#Please delete any previous version of FACS Utilities from your project before updating#
This new release will only run on Unity Editor 2022+, due to using newer Unity APIs that aren't present on past Editors.
The installation folder won't be "Assets" anymore, it'll be "Packages". Now FACS Utilities will behave as a Package, meaning you can manage and uninstall it from Unity Package Manager.
There is also support for VRChat Creator Companion!
Remember to check the new Wiki to learn more about the tools and how to use them!
New Tools
- Animation Swap
- lists all Animation Clips in an Animator Controller and lets you replace them granularly.
- example use case: replacing animations in GoGo Loco.
- Bundle Maker
- helps you create Asset Bundles. Easy access to almost all settings for building bundles.
- Material List
- replaces Shader Usage.
- helps you list all Materials attached to a GameObject and its children, grouped by their Shaders.
- UPC Importer
- replaces Fav Folder Importer.
- Helps you create and manage collections of Unity Packages, to easily import into your Project.
Updated Tools
- Check For Updates:
- added support and alerts for beta releases.
- Better Avatar Bounds:
- added Loose Multiplier slider, to better control the resulting Loose Bounds.
- improved Loose Bound generation when mesh volume doesn't contain its Root Bone.
- Copy Components:
- added Select Component Dependencies, plus Recursive Selection.
- now can correctly handle Rect Transforms.
- now can copy Component references outside of CopyFrom's hierarchy but in the same Scene.
- better warning logs for not copied assets, and for Components references copied from Scene.
- fixed copying directly from an Asset Bundle Prefab.
- Copy Mesh Settings:
- fixed bug not allowing copying from Mesh Renderers using FBX default materials.
- fixed log warnings about not being able to copy unmatching Mesh Renderers, that were not selected.
- Easy Shader Reassign:
- added Group Shaders by name.
- added toggles on Materials, to not reassign the deselected ones.
- now you can click on a Material to select it.
- FACS Load Bundle:
- now it works from a separate Window ("FACS Utils/Asset Bundle/FACS Load Bundle"), not from GameObjects.
- manage multiple loaded Bundles from the same Window.
- now can load and use any type of asset inside Asset Bundles, not just Prefabs.
- allows to change loaded asset's display name (for better management).
- Fix Animations:
- compatibility with latest AssetRipper.
- added auto detect animation sources.
- now can fix animations from multiple Animation Roots at once.
- Fix Scripts:
- added Manual Fixing.
- now can handle multiple ".Scripts" folders.
- Remove Missing Scripts:
- added Missing Script List.
New Helper Tools
- Missing Script Editor
- Extra Asset Context Menus