Script for performing a Hotswap when uploading avatars to VRChat
- Install the required Unity version (+Android Build Support) and create a Unity project.
- Import the VRC Hotswap Unity Package.
- Install a VRChat SDK manually on step 0, or install it now with the Menu button "VRC Hotswap/Get Latest VRC SDK"
- Create a dummy avatar with the Menu button "VRC Hotswap/Spawn Dummy Avi".
- If you want to overwrite an existing avatar, or upload a Quest version to your already uploaded PC avatar, attach the corresponding Avatar ID into the Dummy Avi's Pipeline Manager component.
- If you are uploading a brand new avatar, make sure there is no ID attached to the Dummy Avi's Pipeline Manager component.
- Press the "Build & Publish" button on the VRChat SDK window, to start the upload process.
- When you get to the "Avatar Name & Description" screen, the Menu button "VRC Hotswap/Hotswap" will be unlocked. Press the button.
- Select the .vrca file of the avatar you want to Hotswap.
- Wait until the Console in Unity says "HOTSWAP SUCCESSFUL".
- You can finish the uploading process hitting the "Upload" button.
My fork of AssetsTools.NET, embedded into "VRC Hotswap Compressor.exe", used for recompression with progress bar.