This is the Midi Bank definition for Rosegarden version 18.12 and up. Currently it only has the Voices (and not the Drumkit).
The file is ready to be downloaded and can be put next to the other .rgd files in ~/.local/share/rosegarden/library/
= Creating a RoseGarden file for the Yamaha EZ220
First we download the pdf with all the instruments
Then we convert the pdf to html text, so it's a bit more workeable: pdftohtml ez220_en_om_a0.pdf
Then we follow the procedure described in:
A true program change that also selects a bank is composed of (3) MIDI messages:
- CC 000 nnn (Bank Select MSB – Most Significant Byte)
- CC 032 nnn (Bank Select LSB – Least Significant Byte)
- Prog Change nnn (MIDI Program Change message 0~127)