Welcome to RunDeer, a script that basically runs the following lines:
# Wide open to Man-in-the-middle attacks by not verifying keys yourself!
# Ensure the remote server is in the known_hosts file
ssh-keygen -F $RSERVER 1>/dev/null || ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa $RSERVER >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# pass the password through an environment variable (not visible through ps -ef)
export SSHPASS=mypassword
# run a single script remotely, log the output
sshpass -e ssh $RUSER@$RSERVER 'bash -s' < ./runthisremotely.sh | tee run.log
# or if it needs files to run, we push a directory, then run:
sshpass -e scp -r -C ./scriptsdir $RUSER@$RSERVER:
sshpass -e ssh -tC $RUSER@$RSERVER './script/runthisremotely.sh ;rm -r ./runthisremotely.sh' | tee run.log
It looks simple, why a script?
- most environments do not have sshpass
- sshpass does not work when the server is not in .ssh/known_hosts
- you might have different passwords for each and every server
- You might want to run in parallel
- you might want to have pre and post actions
So it comes with a companion script made in expect, but not everybody has expect, so there is a second companion script in perl, that still requires some CPAN libs.
In order to run rundeer, you will need to the following unix commands:
- bash
- ssh , scp
- sshpass // expect // perl+cpan
- ssh-keygen, ssh-keyscan
- Unix commands (echo, basename, mkdir, chmod, grep, stat, cut, head, read, export, touch, mv)
- cat /proc/cpuinfo
untar and you are ready
rundeer.cfg is the configuration file that needs to be in the same directory as your rundeer script.
In case the user is different than your local username, you can set it here,
or give it from the commandline with ./rundeer -u $username
You can also give it in the serverfile as: $username,$remoteserver
# rundeer pushes files remotely before running them. The default (1) is to clean them up
# You can keep the files remotely with CLEANUP=0 or ./rundeer -k
# if you are afraid of deleting things when running as, say, root.
# Here we select which companion script we will use to input our passwords
# You can select the expect script:
# SSHPASSBIN=./sshpass.exp
# Or the perl script:
# SSHPASSBIN=./sshpass.pl
# Or the official sshpass:
# SSHPASSBIN=/usr/bin/sshpass
# The default is empty and it will autodetect what is available:
# This one is important if you want to keep a papertrail of what happened,
# as evidence or for post-processing.
# The files in OUTDIR will have the name $hostname.$scriptname
# I have nothing against relative paths, but, you know, better make it absolute.
# The default parameters for the scp command
P_SCP="-r -C"
# The default parameters for the ssh command
The first line is for a default password, keep it empty if you do not want a default password. The other lines can be in the following 2 forms: username,remoteserver=password username=password
Read their source code if you want to learn more.
sshpass.exp requires "expect", a tcl derivate.
If you want, get to know it:
Download files from:
sshpass.pl requires Expect.pm and a whole bunch more of modules,
if you can get cpan working, it's: cpan Expect
or download it from
Unfortunately, it uses modules that need to be compiled, so ymmv.
make aliases to items in the ./modules/
directory. This will allow you to ignore the -m
setting and run without specifying the module.
% ln -s rundeer modules/hostname
% ./hostname -s localhost
This software is still alpha.
Still Todo