Releases: FFF40/JANOARG
Releases · FFF40/JANOARG
Note: This is a preview version, things are unfinished and bugs may occur. Bug fixes are posted here frequently in order to get feedback.
- Added Linux release
- Added interactive tutorials
- Added world hierarchy for organization
- Added song cover/illustration info and charter name field
- Added the ability to create/render chart videos
- Added the ability to name lanes, groups, and styles
- Added cubic Bézier curves and 3 new common curves (Back, Elastic, and Bounce)
- Lanes now have judgment lines
- You can now choose between having the song's waveform, spectrogram, and chromagram as timeline underlay
- The mouse scroll wheel is no longer useless (can scroll the timeline and some number fields)
- Replaced hitsounds
- Lots of UI polishing
- Lots of bug fixes
- Animating lane steps should work properly now
- Custom cursors
- Added an automatic update checker
- Added more visualizers
- Added fun options :D
- Squashed bugs
- Beat positions are now fraction-based instead of floating-point-based (e.g. 8b1/3 instead of 8.333...)
- Added charter name field
- The timeline can now be resized up or down + Timeline and Inspector panel can be collapsed
- Added option to automatically expand the Player view on play
- Keybindings can now be changed inside the editor
- Updated in-editor manual
- Added debug stats (fps, memory, e.t.c...)
- Even more UI polishing
Major update versions have changes made in the chart format itself, while minor update versions only have editor-related changes.
It is for this reason that chartmakers in lower major versions may not load charts saved by chartmakers in higher major versions.
- Added a manual
- Objects in Timeline can be dragged
- Added more tips
- Fixed bugs
- Implemented handles
- Waveform on timeline
- Added themes...?
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Added hotkeys
- Added hitsounds
- The home window now displays your recently opened songs
- Preferences are now saved
- Better window handling
- Fix stuff i guess
Standalone Chartmaker release.
Note: this is extremely unfinished, consider this to be a chart player for now
To be addressed in the future:
- Changing group names is not supported
- Play options are not saved
- There are no hitsounds
- Keyboard shortcuts are not supported
- Fix hotkeys triggering on key up
- Removed the "Development Build" text
- Added more keybindings