A repository containing and lining to other repositories for the Atom One Theme Light and Dark Variants for a range of text editors and other applications.
Note that not all of these themes have been tested and this is mainly intended to simplify the discovery of these themes. If you know of a better alternative or are having issues feel free to contribute or open an issue.
(Yes, this list is the same as that for Dracula which is considered to be one of the most complete themes. The aim is to locate themes for these applications and hopefully extend this)
Follow the link above and find your application. select it from the Template Repositories section and follow the instructions for the application in question. This is the easiest option.
Follow the link above and find your application. select it from the Template Repositories section and follow the instructions for the application in question. This is the easiest option. Alternatively find an application below:
- Vim (light, dark,dark)
- Sublime (light,dark)
- Xcode (light,dark)
- Atom (light,dark)
- Visual Studio Code (light,dark)
- Notepad++ (dark)
- Emacs (light, dark,dark)
- JetBrains (light,dark)
- Visual Studio (dark)
- Coda (dark)
- Brackets (dark)
- Light Table
- TextMate (light,dark)
- Gedit
- Pythonista
- LightPaper
- MonoDevelop (dark)
- Qt Creator (dark)
- Kate (dark)
- BBEdit
- iTerm (light,dark)
- Hyper (light,dark)
- Zsh (dark)
- Terminal.app
- Mintty (light,dark)
- Mutt
- Konsole (light,dark, Base16)
- ConEmu (light,dark)
- Xresources (light,dark)
- PowerShell
- Alfred (dark)
- GitHub Pages
- Gitk
- Sequel Pro (dark)
- React DevTools
- MacDown
- Mindnode
- Nylas N1
- Ulysses (light, dark)
- Quiver (dark)
- Vivaldi
- Wox
- Firefox (dark)
Palette | Hex | RGB | HSL |
Background | #272B33 |
39 43 51 |
220° 13% 18% |
Comment | #5b626f |
91 98 111 |
219° 10% 39% |
Current Line | #2c323d |
44 50 61 |
219° 16% 21% |
Foreground | #abb2c0 |
171 178 192 |
220° 14% 71% |
Selection | #3e4451 |
62 68 81 |
221° 13% 28% |
Blue 1 | #61AFEF |
97 175 239 |
207° 82% 66% |
Blue 2 | #65b6f8 |
101 182 248 |
207° 91% 68% |
Cyan 1 | #56B5C2 |
86 181 194 |
187° 47% 55% |
Cyan 2 | #66d7e6 |
102 215 230 |
187° 72% 65% |
Green 1 | #97C279 |
151 194 121 |
95° 38% 62% |
Green 2 | #abdc89 |
171 220 137 |
95° 54% 70% |
Orange 1 | #D19965 |
209 153 101 |
29° 54% 61% |
Orange 2 | #E4BF7A |
228 191 122 |
39° 67% 69% |
Purple 1 | #C578DD |
197 120 221 |
286° 60% 67% |
Purple 2 | #d682f0 |
214 130 240 |
286° 79% 73% |
Red 1 | #DF6B75 |
223 107 117 |
355° 65% 65% |
Red 2 | #BE5046 |
190 80 70 |
5° 48% 51% |
Yellow 1 | #e2c08d |
226 192 141 |
36° 59% 72% |
Yellow 2 | #f2ce97 |
242 206 151 |
36° 78% 77% |
See the CHANGELOG for more information.
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Copy the URL (link)
- Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to clone to
- Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2
$ git clone https://github.com/FredHappyface/Reference.AtomOneTheme
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- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Click open in desktop
- Choose the path for where you want and click Clone
More information can be found at https://help.github.com/en/desktop/contributing-to-projects/cloning-a-repository-from-github-to-github-desktop
- Download this GitHub repository
- Extract the zip archive
- Copy/ move to the desired location
MIT License Copyright (c) FredHappyface (See the LICENSE for more information.)