Datepicker that supports the selection of multiple dates for Django, using Bootstrap Twitter.
The aim of this package is to provide widgets and form fields for Django that use bootstrap-datepicker.
There are some packages that already try to do this, however I've never found one with working multidate support. The package's homepage can be found here on GitHub.
I'll slightly follow the package as provide here. This package supports single date selection, mine will cover multidate selection. Because that's not so much change I'll actually copy a lot from this code base.
This package does what I want for a specific purpose, if you have any suggestions contact me! This package is still in an early beta.
I've used some libraries and I wish to thank the people who wrote them!
- Of course the Django developers
- bootstrap3_datepicker
- JavaScript Date Format
And all the people I've forgotten ;).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
There is a small demo included in this package.
However make sure that 'django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker.django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker.django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker.django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker'
and 'bootstrap3'
are contained in your 'INSTALLED_APPS'
You should also change the bootstrap3 default behaviour and take care that 'javascript_in_head'
is set to True
, i.e.
put in your
'javascript_in_head': True,
There is a widget called BootstrapDatepickerInput
and a form field DateListField
They should be used together, otherwise I can't guarantee anything ;).
The DateListField
stores the dates as python list of
The hidden input stores a json list containing all the selected dates in the form "yyyy/mm/dd"
, e.g. "2016/02/22"
It's method to_python
gets the string from the hidden input, tries to parse them in the given format and returns the
list of all dates.
Here's a small example that displays a calendar and lets the user select the inputs.
from django import forms
from from django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker.django_bootstrap3_multidatepicker import widgets, fields import widgets, fields
class YourForm(forms.Form):
dates = fields.DateListField(label='Select Dates')
Adding a template etc. will give you a calendar like this:
A view could look like this:
class MultiDateForm(FormView):
template_name = YourTemplate
form_class = YourForm
def form_valid(self, form):
dates = form.cleaned_data['dates']
return render(self.request, YourSuccessTemplate, {'dates': dates})
In YourSuccessTemplate you can do something like this:
The following dates were selected:
{% if dates %}
{% for date in dates %}
<li>{{ date|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}