This is a simple messenger application with phoenix live view and elixir, this project was done following the talk of Geoffrey Lessel on Manning live stream on Youtube. I made some improvements such as layout, but the core knowledge is still there.
Support Lessel buy his book at Phoenix in Action
I use:
- Erlang/OTP 24
- IEx 1.13.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 22)
- Phoenix v1.6
For run this application you need to have erlang and Elixir installed. You can follow the ElixirSchool tutorial to help you with that.
Clone this repo and cd into and install dependencies with
mix deps.get
Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server
or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
The tests are made using ExUnit and can be found on the test folder. To run use
mix test
Create your branches and commits using the English language and following this guideline.
- Feature:
- Hotfix:
- POC:
- Example
- Chore:
chore(context): message
- Feat:
feat(context): message
- Fix:
fix(context): message
- Refactor:
refactor(context): message
- Tests:
tests(context): message
- Docs:
docs(context): message