This is a Rust library for generating parsers from macro definitions. The definitions are inspired by EBNF.
An implemented toy language that compiles to TypeScript can be found here:
First we define some kind of grammar in the macro. In this case simple arithmetic expressions:
{ // Defining all the tokens of the grammar
{'0'..='9' =>} => NUMBER, // matching subsequent digits
{'+'} => PLUS, // matching a single +
{'-'} => MINUS,
{'*'} => MUL,
{'/'} => DIV,
{' '} => SPACE,
{'\n'} => NEWLINE
( SPACE | NEWLINE ) => _ // Spaces and newlines are skipped when matching with the parser
// Remapping of token strings from above, not necessary in that case
operator = ( PLUS | MINUS | DIV | MUL ),
half_statement = [ #operator => operator, NUMBER, *],
statement = { NUMBER => left, *half_statement => right},