ActiveSound is sharing platform that allows musicians to share their creations. This platform uses java 11.
- Authentication and register of users;
- Publish (upload) a music by providing data about it (title, interpreter, year, and tags) and assign it an id;
- Perform a music search by sending a tag to search for and getting back a playlist with:
- Id;
- Title;
- Interpreter;
- Year;
- Tags;
- Nº Downloads.
- Download a music by giving its id;
- A client cannot have more than one socket
- Have maximum number of downloads (MAXDOWN);
- When the maximum is reached the following requests must wait;
- Have a good download scheduling strategy.
- Receive notifications of new music uploads while the customer is on;
- The notification must contain the title and author;
- It cannot be assumed that the files all fit in memory;
- Have a limit (MAXSIZE) size in bytes on both client and server.