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Polybius Square

Unkown Person edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 1 revision

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What is the Polybius Square?

The Polybius Square is a cryptography method, attributed to the ancient Greek historian Polybius, used to encode and decode messages. It involves a 5x5 grid with letters of the alphabet, including a space for "X," and numbers 1-5. To encode a letter, find it in the grid and note the row and column numbers it's in.

Who makes it?

The Polybius Square is not made or manufactured like a physical product. Instead, it is a cryptography method or concept attributed to the ancient Greek historian Polybius. It is a simple grid system that people can create and use to encode and decode messages. It doesn't have a specific manufacturer or creator in that sense.

How a Polybius Square works?

The Polybius Square works by creating a 5x5 grid with letters of the alphabet (including a space for "X") and numbers 1-5. To encode a letter, find it in the grid and note the row and column numbers it's in (e.g., 'A' would be 1,1). For decoding, use the received numbers to locate the corresponding letter in the grid. This system simplifies message encoding and decoding, making it an early form of a substitution cipher.

Polybius Square Image:

English Polybius image