This repository is a sample project intended to demonstrate my coding skills. It is not the primary repository used by the team, which includes multiple branches and commits. For security reasons, sensitive information such as API keys and environment files has been excluded. This project is shared with permission to showcase my work. ✅
This project is an accounting application 💵 designed to manage financial transactions, track expenses, and generate financial reports. It provides features such as invoicing, expense tracking, and budget management to help users maintain accurate financial records.
- Dark/light mode
- Multi-language support
- JWT authentication
- Reports
- Export to Excel
These packages are used in this project:
- Redux toolkit
- Yup
- Axios
- Formik
- React-router-dom
- React-data-table-component
- React-datepicker
- React-select
- React-icons
- Powerbi-client-react
- React-otp-input
- React-beautiful-dnd
- rc-pagination
- React-tabs
- React-toastify
- React-tooltip
- Reactjs-popup
- Recharts
- Lodash
- Jwt-decode
- Fullcalendar
- i18next
2 types of styles were used in the project:
- CSS3
- Tailwind
Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and node.js. In this project Axios is used to access the API.
This project utilizes an API developed by the company's backend team.
Contributions are always welcome! 🌱
I would warmly welcome your contributions to this project if you think you can optimize or add some new features to it.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to me at 📧
Please let me know if you enjoyed this app by staring it! ⭐