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Unofficial Android port of s25client.


This project is work in progress.

I don't have any experience with android/java programming and much of the project is just a "temporary" solution.

Please DO NOT report bugs of the android port to the original s25client github page or discord.

Please don't upload my app on google play, fdroid. I want to do this later.

I've used the sdl2 android-project as base of my rttr port.

I'm using android ndk r27 ndk r23(some dependencies are not compatible with ndk r27 :/) cmake 3.22.1 and openjdk 17.

When starting the App it will ask for file permission. After allowing you'll be able to pick/create a folder on your internal storage or sdcard. All app files will be stored in there. After choosing the folder, the game should give you an error that you need to put the orignal settlers 2 files into a folder(the one you picked). Put the game files into the folder in share/s25rttr/S2. After that the game should start normally.

If you want to lock the game into horizontal mode enable fullscreen in the rttr settings and restart the app.

You can ask questions and share ideas here. Feel free to share everything you want to.

What is already working?

  • Latest versions
  • Sound
  • Ai
  • Lan multiplayer(currently only if android player hosts game.)
  • Touch controls (same controls as on Pc with external mouse)
  • File picker to store app files in selected folder

What is planned?

  • Correct working multiplayer
  • Resolution fix (gui scale)
  • Better java optimisation
  • Fix texture colors
  • Working fog of war

If you know why e.g. the lan multiplayer only works one way please open an issue to let me know.


You can download the final apk file here

Or you compile it yourself as described below.

How to build

First you need linux! I've not tested it on Windows/mac or in wsl. You can try to compile it in wls but don't be surprised if it doesn't work. You should use java 17(in my case openkjdk), android cmake 3.22.1(or newer), android sdk 34, Platform-Tools v.35.0.2, ndk r23 and r27. Why? Sadly some dependencies like boost won't compile with ndk 27 so we need some to compile with r23 and the others with r27.

If possible place the sdk, ndk's, cmake ... under ~/Android. (for example /home/username/Android/ndk/r27, /home/username/Android/platforms/android-34)

After that clone this repository with the git command

git clone --recursive

Then move into the s25rttr-android folder and run the script to prebuild all dependencies. (This could take a while) If it cannot find your ndk installation please set the NDK23 and NDK27 enviroment variables to the location. Another example:

NDK23="~/Android/ndk/r23" NDK27="~/Android/ndk/r27" ./

After compiling all stuff it should show this message: All dependencies have been build!(I hope :D) If not the build failed! You can open an issue here if that happen to you.

Now you only need to patch my changes to s25client. Run:

./ --apply-patch

And it should ONLY show patched. If it shows something else, the files I've edited were changed in an update of rttr. Please also tell me in an issue.

And now you should put the path of your java 17 installation into the file (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.17.0-openjdk-amd64) and finally also the sdk installation path into the file.

Now you should be able to go into the android-project directory and run:

./ assembleDebug

to build debug or assembleRel to build release. If you want to build the release you need to look a bit deeper into the signing system of android apps, good luck. You may need to accept some licenses using the sdk-manager.

Sadly you can't install debug builds on your real phone but you can enable debug mode in your android settings and connect to your pc with usb cable to directly install the debug build on your phone(installDebug).

And please if you have errors -> Open an Issue

Some more screenshots (actual gameplay)




