This repository is native Desktop application using wails.
The frontend implementation hosted through wails can be found at BlockGuard-UI
To create a production version of the app:
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
to update the submodule
cd frondend
npm i
to install the packages of the frontend
Now you will need to manually connect the web project to the native APIs implemented in go.
To do that you will have to paste some code into frontend\src\lib\native-api\native-api.ts
Its a messy workaround, but hey: it works!
import {
} from '$lib/wailsjs/go/main/App';
Exising file here [...]
setNativeAPIInitializer(async () => {
if (!Object.hasOwn(window, 'go')) {
window.location.href = '/';
throw Error('Missing window.go');
return Promise.resolve({
loadFile: (path) => Promise.resolve(localStorage.getItem(path)),
saveFile: (path, content) =>
Promise.resolve(localStorage.setItem(path, content)),
clearFile: (path) => Promise.resolve(localStorage.removeItem(path)),
mtlsFetch: async <T>(
method: HttpMethod,
url: string,
body: string,
csr: string,
privateKey: string
) => {
const res = await MTLSFetch(method, url, body, csr, privateKey);
if (!res.success) {
throw Error(`MTLS Fetch failed: StatusCode ${res.statusCode}`);
try {
return JSON.parse(res.body) as T;
} catch (error) {
return res as T; //T better be string
getVPNClientStatus: async () =>
(await SoftEtherStatus()) as VPNClientStatus,
connectVPN: async (host, username, password) =>
await ConnectVPN(host, username, password),
disconnectVPN: async () => await DisconnectVPN(),
getConnectionStatus: async () =>
(await GetConnectionStatus()) as VPNConnectionStatus,
copyToClipboard: async (string) =>
Promise.resolve(await window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(string)),
pasteFromClipboard: () => Promise.resolve()
} satisfies NativeAPIs);
now finally we can build the app
wails build
You can preview the production build with wails dev
this project depends on a modified version of akashjs
Our version is akashjs
Operating System Support The entire app has been built with maximum possible operating system support in mind. All it takes to onboard another operating system is to implement a handful of native platform APIs. We are planning to support:
- Windows (done)
- Linux (more manual installation process)
- MacOS
- Android