This tool can create host group for each of your networks from networks_list with threhsolds generated using historical bandwidth usage from Clickhouse. More details:
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build
Create file /etc/fastnetmon/baseline_magician.conf and put following content into it:
"clickhouse_host": "",
"clickhouse_port": 9000,
"clickhouse_user": "admin",
"clickhouse_password": "secure",
"calculaton_period": 604800,
"clickhouse_database": "fastnetmon",
"clickhouse_table": "host_metrics",
"api_user": "admin",
"api_password": "XXX",
"api_host": "",
"api_port": 10007,
"generate_incoming_packet_threshold": true,
"incoming_packet_expression": "value * 2",
"generate_incoming_bit_threshold": true,
"incoming_bit_expression": "value * 3",
"generate_incoming_flow_threshold": true,
"incoming_flow_expression": "value + 200",
"remove_existing_hostgroups": true,
"aggregation_function": "max"
All fields with expression suffix keep math expressions to calculate threshold/baseline value from aggregated value (using aggregation_function) of particular threshold from Clickhouse (calculated over last 7 days).