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🗂️ Project Structure

Page Assign to Done or Not
Cover Damian ✅ Complete
Signup Damian ✅ Complete
Login Damian ✅ Complete
Home Sarah & Damian
Account Ellen
Account Detail Ellen
Create Account Ellen
Category TBD
Category Detail TBD
Create Category TBD
Create Transaction Damian ✅ Complete
Report Sarah

📚 Explanation of Key Files

File/Folder Purpose Entry point of the TUI app, sets up the terminal, and handles page routing.
ui/ First page displayed when the app runs. Shows the logo and page options (Signup, Login, Quit).
ui/ Handles the signup page where users enter their username, email, password, and confirm password.
ui/ Handles the login page where users enter email and password to log in.
ui/ Defines reusable components like InputField for forms (input fields) used on Signup and Login pages.
ui/ Exports all UI pages (cover, login, signup) so they can be easily imported from
utils/ Utility functions (not required for now but useful if logic grows).
assets/ Store static files like ASCII logos or help text (optional, can be used for large logos).

🌐 Page Workflow

Here’s how the flow of pages works in this project.

[ Cover Page (start) ]
  [ 1. Signup Page ]  <--- Select using keyboard
  [ 2. Login Page ]   <--- Select using keyboard
  1. Cover Page: The first page displayed when you launch the app.

    • You can select 1 to go to the Signup Page.
    • You can select 2 to go to the Login Page.
    • Press Esc to quit.
  2. Signup Page:

    • User fills in Username, Email, Password, and Confirm Password.
    • Press Tab to navigate between input fields.
    • Press Enter to submit the form.
    • If passwords don't match, an error message appears.
  3. Login Page:

    • User fills in Email and Password.
    • Press Tab to navigate between input fields.
    • Press Enter to submit the form.
    • If email/password is incorrect, an error message appears.

🔧 How to Add a New Page

To add a new page, follow this step-by-step workflow. Let’s assume you want to add a Settings Page.

  1. Create the Page File:

    • Go to src/ui/.
    • Create a new file named
  2. Add Your Page Logic:

   use ratatui::{
       layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout},
       widgets::{Block, Borders, Paragraph},
       style::{Color, Style},
   pub struct SettingsPage;
   impl SettingsPage {
       pub fn new() -> Self {
       pub fn render(&self, f: &mut Frame) {
           let chunks = Layout::default()
           let title = Paragraph::new("Settings Page")
           f.render_widget(title, chunks[0]);
  1. Expose the Page in
    • Go to src/ui/
    • Add the following line:
      pub mod settings;
  1. Add the Page Route in
    • Open src/
    • Import the new page:
      use crate::ui::settings::SettingsPage;
- Add a key (like `3`) to **open the Settings Page** from the cover page:
      match key {
          KeyCode::Char('1') => current_page = Page::Signup,
          KeyCode::Char('2') => current_page = Page::Login,
          KeyCode::Char('3') => current_page = Page::Settings, // New Route for Settings Page
          KeyCode::Esc => break,
          _ => {}

📦 Example File (for src/ui/

This file exposes all UI pages.

pub mod components;
pub mod cover;
pub mod signup;
pub mod login;
pub mod settings; // Newly added settings page

🚀 How to Run the App

  1. Clone the Repo:
   git clone
   cd tui-frontend
  1. Run the App:
   cargo run
  1. Navigate:
    • 1 to go to the Signup Page.
    • 2 to go to the Login Page.
    • Esc to quit.

📜 Page Descriptions

Page Description
Cover Page Main menu, shows logo and options for Signup and Login.
Signup Page User fills in username, email, password and confirms it.
Login Page User enters email and password to log in.
Settings Page (Optional) Add options like theme selection.

🎉 Contribution Workflow

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub.
  2. Create a branch for your new feature.
   git checkout -b feature/new-page
  1. Add a new page in src/ui/ following the workflow above.
  2. Run tests before submitting:
   cargo check
   cargo test
  1. Push your branch:
   git push origin feature/new-page
  1. Create a pull request (PR) on GitHub.

💡 Useful Commands

Command Description
cargo run Run the TUI application.
cargo check Check for compile-time errors.
cargo test Run unit tests (if any).


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