CompCal is a Serverless Calendar Server that allows users to subscribe to events in the Calendar. It is not a full implementation of CalDAV, as there is no way of adding your own events or user managment.
CompCal is based on AWS Lambda and delivers the events as ics
This app is build using the AWS CDK, the Lambda functions, the DynamoDB Table and the API Gateway are deployed automatically using the CDK cli.
Step by step instructions:
- Set Up your AWS Credentials
- Run npm install
- Run cdk deploy
You can find instructions how to set CompCal up with your Calendar Client at
- Subscribe to a single Country:{region code} e.g
- Subscribe to multiple Countries:{region code}+{region code} e.g
- Subscribe to a sub region:{region code}/{subregion} e.g
You can already subscribe to the calendars by the means mentioned above. There are still a lot of features to come and some bugs to work out, especially around time zones for competitions.