LEDSA (LEDSmokeAnalysis) is a python based software package for the computation of spatially and temporally resolved light extinction coefficients from photometric measurements. The method relies on capturing the change in intensity of individual light sources due to fire induced smoke. Images can be accquired within laboratory experiments using commercially available digital cameras.
To install LEDSA python 3 and an actual version of pip need to be installed. Then run:
python3 -m pip install ledsa
To use the LEDSA CLI, the general structure is as follows:
python -m ledsa [ARGUMENT] [OPTIONS]
To introduce new, tested, documented and stable changes, pull/ merge requests into the master branch are used.
Pull request drafts can be used to communicate about changes and new functionality.
After reviewing and testing the changes, they will be merged into master.
Every merge with master is followed by introducing a new version tag corresponding to the semantic versioning paradigm.