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openbahn provides functions to easily interact with the Timetable API, provided by the German railroad company Deutsche Bahn (DB). At the moment, the API does only provide timetable data for the German long-distance traffic. The following API endpoints exist and are covered by openbahn:

  • to look up train stations
  • arrivalBoard to retrieve arrival boards
  • departureBoard to retrieve departure boards
  • journeyDetail to retrieve detailed information for specific trains

To interact with the API, an API key is required.


To get an API key, one has to email to the DB Open-Data-Team and request a key for the timetable or Fahrplan API, respectively.


You can install openbahn from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


First, openbahn_auth() can be used to store the API key in an environment variable all further openbahn functions will access:


locationNameApi() can be used to find a train station along with an internal ID and its coordinates:

stations <- locationNameApi("Mainz Hbf")
#> Using provided API key.
#> < >
#> < bin/rest.exe/ >
#>                                        name       lon       lat        id
#> 1                                 Mainz Hbf  8.258723 50.001113 008000240
#> 2                        Frankfurt(Main)Hbf  8.663785 50.107149 008000105
#> 3                        Offenbach(Main)Hbf  8.760743 50.099266 008000349
#> 4                               Mailand Hbf  9.204828 45.487143 008300046
#> 5                           FRANKFURT(MAIN)  8.663785 50.107149 008096021
#> 6                      Frankfurt(Main)Flugh  8.570972 50.051210 008000281
#> 7   Frankfurt am Main Flughafen Fernbahnhof  8.570181 50.053169 008070003
#> 8                        Frankfurt(Main)Süd  8.686456 50.099365 008002041
#> 9                      Linz/Donau main stat 14.292129 48.290178 008100013
#> 10                      Frankfurt(Main)West  8.639335 50.118862 008002042
#> 11 Frankfurt am Main Flughafen Regiobahnhof  8.571250 50.051219 008070004
#> 12                      St.Pölten main stat 15.624672 48.208304 008100008
#> 13                      Vienna main station 16.375865 48.184923 008103000
#> 14                      Zurich Main Station  8.539204 47.378186 008503000
#> 15                      Verona Main Station 10.982742 45.428660 008300120
#> 16                          Bayerisch Gmain 12.895071 47.720379 008000831
#> 17                      Geneva Main Station  6.142122 46.210416 008501008
#> 18                                  MAILAND  9.207597 45.462477 008396005
#> 19                         Mailand Lambrate  9.237225 45.485067 008300062

To retrieve arrival or departure boards, an id found in stations can be used. Furthermore, date and time the arrival or departure boards shall build on have to be provided:

mainz_hbf <- stations$content$LocationList$StopLocation$id[1]

departures <- departureBoardApi(id = mainz_hbf, date = "2017-12-01", time = "12:00")
#> Using provided API key.
#> < >
#> < bin/rest.exe/departureBoard >
#>          date  time     name type  stopid      stop          direction track
#> 1  2017-12-01 12:17  IC 2005   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf           Konstanz  4a/b
#> 2  2017-12-01 12:20  IC 2024   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  3a/b
#> 3  2017-12-01 12:40     EC 9   EC 8000240 Mainz Hbf          Zürich HB  5a/b
#> 4  2017-12-01 12:43 ICE 1651  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf        Dresden Hbf  4a/b
#> 5  2017-12-01 12:48  IC 1216   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf  Berlin Ostbahnhof  3a/b
#> 6  2017-12-01 13:12  IC 2013   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf         Oberstdorf  4a/b
#> 7  2017-12-01 13:20  IC 2312   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  3a/b
#> 8  2017-12-01 13:22 ICE 1652  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Wiesbaden Hbf  2a/b
#> 9  2017-12-01 13:40  IC 2023   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf Frankfurt(Main)Hbf  4a/b
#> 10 2017-12-01 13:44  IC 2014   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf  Münster(Westf)Hbf  3a/b
#> 11 2017-12-01 14:20  IC 2026   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  3a/b
#> 12 2017-12-01 14:40  IC 2313   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf          Offenburg  5a/b
#> 13 2017-12-01 14:43 ICE 1653  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf        Dresden Hbf  4a/b
#> 14 2017-12-01 14:48  IC 2012   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Magdeburg Hbf  2a/b
#> 15 2017-12-01 15:12  IC 1911   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Stuttgart Hbf  4a/b
#> 16 2017-12-01 15:20     EC 8   EC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  3a/b
#> 17 2017-12-01 15:22 ICE 1650  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Wiesbaden Hbf  2a/b
#> 18 2017-12-01 15:40  IC 2025   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf Frankfurt(Main)Hbf  4a/b
#> 19 2017-12-01 16:20  IC 2022   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  3a/b
#> 20 2017-12-01 16:23  ICE 710  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf           Köln Hbf  3a/b

arrivals <- arrivalBoardApi(id = mainz_hbf, date = "2017-12-01", time = "12:00")
#> Using provided API key.
#> < >
#> < bin/rest.exe/arrivalBoard >
#>          date  time     name type  stopid      stop             origin track
#> 1  2017-12-01 12:15  IC 2005   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf  Münster(Westf)Hbf  4a/b
#> 2  2017-12-01 12:18  IC 2024   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf         Passau Hbf  3a/b
#> 3  2017-12-01 12:35 ICE 1651  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Wiesbaden Hbf  4a/b
#> 4  2017-12-01 12:38     EC 9   EC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  5a/b
#> 5  2017-12-01 12:46  IC 1216   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf       Salzburg Hbf  3a/b
#> 6  2017-12-01 13:10  IC 2013   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Magdeburg Hbf  4a/b
#> 7  2017-12-01 13:15 ICE 1652  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf        Dresden Hbf  2a/b
#> 8  2017-12-01 13:18  IC 2312   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Stuttgart Hbf  3a/b
#> 9  2017-12-01 13:38  IC 2023   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  4a/b
#> 10 2017-12-01 13:40  IC 2014   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Stuttgart Hbf  3a/b
#> 11 2017-12-01 14:18  IC 2026   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf Frankfurt(Main)Hbf  3a/b
#> 12 2017-12-01 14:35 ICE 1653  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Wiesbaden Hbf  4a/b
#> 13 2017-12-01 14:38  IC 2313   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  5a/b
#> 14 2017-12-01 14:46  IC 2012   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf         Oberstdorf  2a/b
#> 15 2017-12-01 15:10  IC 1911   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf       Dortmund Hbf  4a/b
#> 16 2017-12-01 15:15 ICE 1650  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf        Dresden Hbf  2a/b
#> 17 2017-12-01 15:18     EC 8   EC 8000240 Mainz Hbf          Zürich HB  3a/b
#> 18 2017-12-01 15:38  IC 2025   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf     Hamburg-Altona  4a/b
#> 19 2017-12-01 16:18  IC 2022   IC 8000240 Mainz Hbf Frankfurt(Main)Hbf  3a/b
#> 20 2017-12-01 16:35 ICE 1655  ICE 8000240 Mainz Hbf      Wiesbaden Hbf  4a/b

For the particular trains in the arrival or departures board one can retrieve detailed information using journeyDetailsApi(). Therefor, the reference url of the desired train has to be looked up in the JourneyDetailRef data.frame:

reference <- departures$content$DepartureBoard$Departure$JourneyDetailRef$ref[1]
details <- journeyDetailApi(reference_url = reference)
#> < >
#> < bin/rest.exe/journeyDetail >
#>    routeIdx                 name      id    depDate depTime    arrDate arrTime track
#> 1         6    Münster(Westf)Hbf 8000263 2017-12-01   08:32 2017-12-01   08:29     8
#> 2         7   Recklinghausen Hbf 8000307 2017-12-01   09:01 2017-12-01   08:59     1
#> 3         8     Wanne-Eickel Hbf 8000192 2017-12-01   09:09 2017-12-01   09:07     3
#> 4         9    Gelsenkirchen Hbf 8000118 2017-12-01   09:15 2017-12-01   09:13     5
#> 5        10       Oberhausen Hbf 8000286 2017-12-01   09:27 2017-12-01   09:25     7
#> 6        11         Duisburg Hbf 8000086 2017-12-01   09:34 2017-12-01   09:32     2
#> 7        12       Düsseldorf Hbf 8000085 2017-12-01   09:49 2017-12-01   09:46    16
#> 8        13             Köln Hbf 8000207 2017-12-01   10:18 2017-12-01   10:15     7
#> 9        14             Bonn Hbf 8000044 2017-12-01   10:37 2017-12-01   10:35     3
#> 10       15              Remagen 8000310 2017-12-01   10:51 2017-12-01   10:49     3
#> 11       16            Andernach 8000331 2017-12-01   11:03 2017-12-01   11:01     1
#> 12       17          Koblenz Hbf 8000206 2017-12-01   11:17 2017-12-01   11:15     4
#> 13       18    Bingen(Rhein) Hbf 8000039 2017-12-01   11:52 2017-12-01   11:50   101
#> 14       19            Mainz Hbf 8000240 2017-12-01   12:17 2017-12-01   12:15  4a/b
#> 15       20            Worms Hbf 8000257 2017-12-01   12:45 2017-12-01   12:43     2
#> 16       21         Mannheim Hbf 8000244 2017-12-01   13:09 2017-12-01   13:07     4
#> 17       22        Karlsruhe Hbf 8000191 2017-12-01   13:36 2017-12-01   13:34     2
#> 18       23          Baden-Baden 8000774 2017-12-01   13:56 2017-12-01   13:54     7
#> 19       24            Offenburg 8000290 2017-12-01   14:18 2017-12-01   14:15     5
#> 20       25              Hausach 8000333 2017-12-01   14:39 2017-12-01   14:37     3
#> 21       26   Hornberg(Schwarzw) 8003001 2017-12-01   14:48 2017-12-01   14:47     1
#> 22       27              Triberg 8005902 2017-12-01   15:03 2017-12-01   15:02     2
#> 23       28 St Georgen(Schwarzw) 8005644 2017-12-01   15:20 2017-12-01   15:19     2
#> 24       29  Villingen(Schwarzw) 8000366 2017-12-01   15:31 2017-12-01   15:29     1
#> 25       30       Donaueschingen 8000077 2017-12-01   15:42 2017-12-01   15:40     2
#> 26       31          Immendingen 8000182 2017-12-01   15:54 2017-12-01   15:53     4
#> 27       32   Singen(Hohentwiel) 8000073 2017-12-01   16:18 2017-12-01   16:16     2
#> 28       33           Radolfzell 8000880 2017-12-01   16:28 2017-12-01   16:25     6
#> 29       34             Konstanz 8003400       <NA>    <NA> 2017-12-01   16:45     3


For general information on the DB Timetable API visit (German). The data behind this API is licenced unter CC BY 4.0.

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Query the Deutsche Bahn Timetable API






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