This is the new version which does not yet have documentation, the old version is located at
Containers are my (small) version of a CSS like positionning and alignment system. I mostly use it to create and update UI layouts
Usage :
int main()
SDLX_RectContainer *root;
SDLX_Display *display;
display = SDLX_DisplayGet();
root = SDLX_LoadConfig("examples/simple_container_config");
while (1)
SDLX_DisplayConfig(display->renderer ,root);
The config format is as follows
// Container config format :
// 1 line per object
// Objects can be elements or containers
// Containers are objects within which elements can be arranged
// A container can have 0+ children and those children can be containers or elements
// Elements are leaf node, they have no children
// First line MUST describes a container
// Container: x,y,w%,h%|margin|alignDir,alignType
// Element: x,y,w%,h%|margin
// c[amount] : container x amount
// e[amount] : elem x amount
// Where :
// x , y : x and y offset in pixels
// w% , h% : width and height, specified as a % of the respective dimension of the parent object
// wType,hType: irrelevant for now, ignore
// margin: margin around the object
// alignDir : SDLX_ALIGN_VERTICAL or SDLX_ALIGN_HORIZONAL Direction of the container, the children elements will be aligned following this direction
// alignType : How the elements in the container are spaced and positionned
// SDLX_RIGHT_ALIGN = |o o _ _|
// SDLX_CENTER_ALIGN = |_ o o _|
// SDLX_LEFT_ALIGN = |_ _ o o|
// SDLX_SPACE_EVEN = |_ o _ o _|
// SDLX_SPACE_BETWEEN= |o _ _ _ o|
// You may use tabs to align children with their parent
// containers and elements will be parented to the container that came before