Added unit tests
fixed bug with hidden marker when error info appeared again before error info hide animation completed
fixed bug with not removed customViewMarkerCenter
fixed potential crash in iOS 10 with using clearButtonRect before view initialized
fixed field's rects (clear button, right view etc.) when error is showing
fixed support of delegate functions: textFieldDidHideErrorInfo, textFieldDidShowErrorInfo
additional guard prevents from negative rects when error is showing
KODialogMainView - func refreshBackgroundVisualEffect, always removes visual effect view before add new one
KODialogBarView - fixed calculation of title insets
KODialogActionModel - added new dismissAction that replaced cancelAction and doneAction
fixed bug with horizontal scrolling with mode scrollingBlockedUntilProgressMax
fixed support minOffset and horizontal axis for translationOffsetBased mode
You can’t perform that action at this time.