- We have been asked to build a native mobile application that easily allows user to visualize, filter, and understand trends from the Earth Meteorite Landing dataset from NASA:
- Overview of dataset: https://data.nasa.gov/Space-Science/Meteorite-Landings/gh4g-9sfh
- Direct link to JSON file: https://data.nasa.gov/resource/y77d-th95.json
- The ability to view the dataset in an organized, sensible way.
- The ability to search for individual meteorites by Name and/or ID.
- The ability to save a list of their favorite meteorites that persists after application termination.
- The application should be written with React Native
- Initial application should run on iOS with code being capable of building for Android with minimal additional code
- Code committed to Github and ready for building
- Build instructions for iOS
- Overview of step for making it Android-ready
- General end-user instructions for using the app