A small NodeJS utility to fetch recent messages for Chatterino or other Twitch chat clients.
The special thing about this utility is that if recent-messages is down or have gaps
it automatically uses JustLogs instances to fetch the recent messages.
How to set up Chatterino for using this recentMSG instance: Tutorial
This live instance is using my own instance of JustLogs
my own instance is running on this domain: recent-messages
Install Node.js, if you don't have it already.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Florian2807/justlogs-as-recentmessages | cd justlogs-as-recentmessages
Edit the config.json:
vim config.json
Rename last-down.json:
mv last-down.json.example last-down.json
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To Run the server:
node index.js
You also can use PM2 to run this application in the background:
Install PM2 as a global dependency:
npm install -g pm2
Run the application:
pm2 start index.js
Use the provided config.json file to set configuration options:
"recentMsgInstance": "https://recent-messages.robotty.de",
"recentMsgJustLogsInstance": "https://rmjl.florian2807.me",
"justlogsInstance": "https://logs.florian2807me",
"port": 1234