Discontinued, as there exists an extension already that does all I intended to do. See [this] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/image-search-options/kljmejbpilkadikecejccebmccagifhl?hl=en) extension for all your image reverse-searching needs.
Chrome extension to look up an online image for larger versions via the right-click context menu. Based off of [IQDB Context] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/iqdb-context/nmahlbngglnabceabpgifacibgoogjcb?hl=en) by MK.
- TinEye
- Rename repo to reverse-search-context
- Refactor by using JSON objects to avoid repetition
- Support SauceNAO
- Package and upload it, to make it installable
- Write installation instructions
- Get $5 to pay the one-time $5 developer signup fee
- Upload to Chrome Web Store
- Notify original creator, and mention that the license
they used allows it. - Add CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license