This is a simple calculator built in Node.js. The calculator can receive input through the command line or through being provided with a file.
If the calculator is provided with a file, the expected format is one calculator argument per line (see example below).
test add 2
test2 add 5
test multiply 4
test multiply test2
print test
print test2
Below you'll find instructions and pre-requisites for how to run the simple calculator.
A requirements for the calculator assignment was to be able to run it on a Widows computer. Since I don't know what applications are installed on the host machine, there are two way of running this calculator. Either you can run it with Node, or you can run it in a Docker container
In order to be able to run this calculator with node, you need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Once installed, you open your command line tool, navigate to the root of the calculator repo and run the following command to install necessary calculator dependencies:
npm install
In order to run the calculator and be able to enter command line inputs, you run the following command:
make run
In order to run the calculator with a file containing pre-specified calculator arguments, run the following command:
make run filePath=<filePath>
In order to run the simple caluclator with Docker you need to have Docker installed.
In order to run the calculator and be able to enter command line inputs, you run the following command:
make run-docker
In order to run the calculator with a file containing pre-specified calculator arguments, you need to do the following:
- Place the file in the root catalog of the calculator repository.
- Run:
make run-docker fileName=<fileName>