Notification system (Publisher subscriber example)
This project is made up of two applications, a publisher and a subscriber. The publisher is a server that keeps track of topics -> subscribers where a topic is a string and a subscriber is an HTTP endpoint. When a message is published on a topic, it is forwarded to all subscriber endpoints. The publisher runs on port 8000 A user interface has been created. On load it initiates a javascript event publishing to publish events to a topic. (http://localhost:8000/)
Clone and Run project as spring boot project
Publisher server end points
- To Create a Subscription
POST /subscribe/{topic}
"url": "http://localhost:9000/test1",
"url": "http://localhost:9000/test1",
"topic": "String"
- Publish message to topic
POST /publish/{topic}
[key: String]: any,
Response: HTTP response code
Automated sending of messages to a topic can be iniitiated using javascript by visting http:localhost:8000/ in your browser
- Payload sent to subscribers
"topic": "String",
"data": "object"
Subscribing server end points
The applicaton runs on port 9000. It has an end point to receive the sent data and also a GET end point to monitor the events being sent. This is done using Server sent event. The message is streamed unto the web page using event source in javascript
- End points to receive published events
POST /test1
and POST /test2
Received data structure:
"topic": "String"
"data": "object",
Response: HTTP response code
Visit http:localhost:9000/ in your browser to see the events being sent