The following steps will get you started for the exercise sessions:
Clone / Download this repository
Install VSCode:
Install Docker Desktop for your operating system: Ubuntu, Other Linux, Windows, MacOS. On Linux, you may need to follow the post-installation steps steps for plotting.
Install the app Dev Containers in VSCode: Open the Extension Marketplace: Search and install Dev Containers
Start VSCode with the top folder of this repository as the root folder: A message should appear on the bottom right corner asking you to build the container. Alternatively, you can open the Command Palette of VSCode (on the left bottom corner, under the Manage button - "dented wheel" icon) and type in “Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container.”. Click on it to start building the image and wait until the container runs. Depending on your computer and internet connection, the process can take several minutes. You can check that you are running the dev container by looking at the bottom left corner where a field should state “Dev Container: DevContainerFSSS”.
Test the container: Open an example:
Open the command palette (Crtl+Shift+p) -> "Python: Run Python file in terminal" -> enter