Copyright © from 2022-present, UNKNOWN STRYKER. All Rights Reserved.
Frogman Engine is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
This project is under development and may contain some bugs and issues.
- CMake 3.25.0 or the latest
- The latest Visual Studio 2022 with Windows SDK version 10.0.26100.0
C++ 20 or the latest.
All project settings can be adjusted by modifying CMakeLists.txt.
Platform | Architecture | Status |
Windows 11 | X86-64 | In Development |
Ubuntu-Linux | X86-64 | Discontinued |
Boost Libraries 1.86.0 -
City Hash -
GLFW 3.4 -
Dear ImGUI 1.91.6 -
Robin Hood Hash 3.11.5 -
Task Flow 3.8.0 -
Google Test 1.14.0 -
Google Benchmark 1.8.4
Issues with Frogman Engine Header Tool:
- It is highly probable that the file or path string encoding issue is causing the problem.
- The header tool requires header files and the copy of a license text file to be encoded with UTF8 with BOM(Byte Order Mark) signature.
To run the header tool with CMake, call the CMake function:
# The first argument is the header file paths, and the second argument is the options to the tool.
# The tool will not properly work without wrapping " " around the each argument.
# The each header file path and the each option must be seperated with a semi-colon ';'.
RUN_HEADER_TOOL("${FE_LOG_HEADERS};${FE_POOL_HEADERS};${FE_CORE_HEADERS};${FE_MISC_HEADERS}" "-max-concurrency=8;-path-to-copyright-notice=${FE_CORE_CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../LICENSE.txt;-fno-reflection-helper")
Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Runtime Library:
- The default settings use /MTd (Static C++ Standard Library Debug Build) for debug configuration and /MT (Static C++ Standard Library Release Build) for release.
To run Google Benchmarks on Windows:
LINK_LIBRARIES(advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib) # to use Google Benchmark on Windows.
In order to build boost libraries using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Clang CL (this does not work with Windows SDK version 10.0.26100.0):
- Download the LLVM Clang CL from Visual Studio Installer.
- Download Boost libraries from
- Build b2.exe by running bootstrap.bat(.sh)
- Run the commands:
./b2 toolset=clang-win architecture=x86 address-model=64 link=static runtime-link=static threading=multi variant=debug
./b2 toolset=clang-win architecture=x86 address-model=64 link=static runtime-link=static threading=multi variant=release