Releases: FromHDDtoSSD/SorachanCoin-qt
SORA-QAI AI-NFT, ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.92.15]
Supported ECDSA + Quantum & AI-resistant transactions (SORA-QAI ver1). (v3.67.14)
Adjusted resistance to side-channel attacks. (v3.70.14)
Supported ECDSA + Schnorr aggregated signatures (5000 keys) + Quantum & AI resistance (SORA-QAI ver2). (v3.71.14)
Successfully optimized key operations, reducing key computation load (5000 keys signed within 3 seconds). (v3.74.14)
Improved the system to display an unlock dialog when generating a new address. (v3.75.14)
Supported "anonymous encrypted communication" to fully utilize SORA-QAI blockchain technology. (v3.77.14)
Added a button to copy the anonymous encrypted communication address (cipher1) to the clipboard. (v3.78.14)
Implemented Japanese translations for the new features introduced in 2024. (v3.79.14)
Improved the system to display an unlock dialog during encrypted communication. (v3.80.14)
Enabled processing of all transactions exclusively using Quantum AI-resistant + Schnorr aggregated signatures (5000 keys). (v3.82.14)
Fixed the issue where encrypted communication was hidden when the unlock window appeared. (v3.83.14)
Implemented a button to slightly shift network fees to the ECDSA side. (v3.85.14)
Improved fees and enabled only security-related options. (v3.86.14)
Implemented automatic transaction fee calculation (smart fee feature). (v3.87.14)
Implemented Japanese translations for the additionally introduced features. (v3.88.14)
Partially improved SORA-QAI. (v3.89.14)
Added checkpoints. (v3.89.15 SORA-QAI v3 completion)
Enabled selection between three methods—SORA-QAI v1, v2, and Eth Style—when generating a new address. (v3.92.15)
ECDSA + 量子&AI耐性トランザクションをサポート(SORA-QAI ver1)しました。(v3.67.14)
ECDSA + Schnorr集約署名(5000鍵) + 量子&AI耐性をサポート(SORA-QAI ver2)しました。(v3.71.14)
チェックポイントを追加いたしました。(v3.89.15 SORA-QAI v3 完成)
新規アドレス生成時、SORA-QAI v1, v2, Eth Styleの3通りから選択可能になりました。(v3.92.15)
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.89.15]
We have added checkpoints, and SORA-QAI v3 is now complete!
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.89.14]
Release Notes
I, Smart Fee Feature: Implemented automatic calculation of transaction fees, enhancing user experience and ensuring accuracy.
II, Localization Update: Added Japanese translations for all newly implemented features, making the application more accessible to Japanese-speaking users.
III, SORA-QAI Enhancements: Made improvements to SORA-QAI, resulting in better performance and user interaction.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.87.14]
Implemented automatic calculation for transaction fees (smart fee).
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.86.14]
Implemented a button to send the transaction fee (10 SORA) to the ECDSA side for SORA-QAI encryption.
Improvement to the fee calculation process.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.85.14]
Implemented a button to send the transaction fee (10 SORA) to the ECDSA side for SORA-QAI encryption.
Added missing braces to part of the GUI and confirmed it is now functioning correctly.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.84.14]
Implemented a button to send the transaction fee (10 SORA) to the ECDSA side for SORA-QAI encryption.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.83.14]
We have improved the GUI elements.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.82.14]
Support for all processes with the sora1 address
As of today’s release of version 3.82.14, we have added quantum-resistant support for change transactions as well, using addresses starting with sora1. Therefore, all processes can now be handled with addresses starting with sora1, without having to go through the old addresses starting with S.
SORA-QAI ver3 Anonymous Encrypted Communication by blockchain [Deploy v3.80.14]
SORA-QAI ver3 has implemented the "Anonymous Encrypted Communication" feature, maximizing the benefits of blockchain technology. This feature allows users to exchange data securely while maintaining a high level of privacy. Added clipboard copy functionality for addresses. Implemented additional error checks. Added the Japanese translation. We have improved it so that a dialog prompting for unlock appears.