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User Guide

zhongyuanzhao000 edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

UserName And Password

  • User:
    name:fdse_microservice ,password:111111

  • Administrator:
    name:admin , password: 222222

Visit the Train Ticket System in Browser

  • If you deploy this system by using dockerordocker-compose,you can visit it via serverIP:8080 in your browser.
  • If you deploy this system by using k8s,you can visit it via serverIP:32677 in your browser.
    Unless something unexpected happens, you can see the main interface like below, congratulations!
    main interface

How to Buy Tickets

  1. Firstly, you'd better login the system. While access the main interface, Input the start city ,destination city, date and train type. And then click "search" button, you will get the tickets list , which is like the picture above.
  2. After select trip and seat type, Click "Booking" button ( make sure you have logged-in before)
  3. After you choose or add one Contacts, And decide whether you need Assurance ,food , or consign, then you can click "Select" button. select_contact
  4. After select,it will pop up a dialog for you to check whether the order information is correct.
    ​ If so, then you can click "submit" button to submit you reservation confirm_ticket
  5. The last step is to go to the Order List to find the ticket you reserver before, and click the Paybutton, waitting for success, then the buy ticket flow is over.
  6. Also you can modify you order information.
  7. If you want search by different conditions such as Minimum Station NumberCheapestandQuickest, you can click Advanced Search button.
  8. Simulate ticket check and then enter station.

How to Administer

  • The admin-panel is used to manage orders, trips, users, prices and so on.
    You can click admin-panelbutton or useserverIP/adminlogin.html to access the admin panel in broswer.
  1. The login panel looks like this, you can use admin (Username) and 222222 (Password) to login.
  2. You can manage the orders, routes, travels, users, contacts, stations, trains and so on. The admin's order list panel and travel list panel are as follows:

How to Access Swagger UI

Swagger is a tool which can automatically generate API document online. And swagger has been integrated into our system. We can access swagger ui after successful docker-compose deployment.

  1. You can choose a microservice and find its expose port of container by docker psor other command.

  2. Then you can visit the swagger-ui via serverIP:port/swagger-ui.html in your browser.
    For example, choosing ts-travel-service, the corresponding port is 12346 and you can input serverIP:12346/swagger-ui.htmlin your browser.admin_travel_list