Watch random videos from your favorite content creators!
Watch random videos from your favorite content creators!
Use this app when you want to watch something from a content creator you like, but you don't know what to watch. Surprise yourself!
Given a channel, it will then randomly choose one of the latest 50 videos for you.
To setup a local environment:
- Clone the repository
- Run the
command to install dependencies - Launch the app with
yarn android
oryarn ios
Releases are managed through Microsoft's AppCenter
Pushing to the staging
branch will trigger the staging build, shich will be distributed to all members of the project.
Pushing to the master
branch will tigger the master build, which will publish a new version on Google Play. Ideally, anything must go through staging before merging into master.
Run gradle build inside android
folder to generate final aab: gradlew clean bundleRelease
Requires Google's bundletool
After running the release build, use the following commands to build a signed apk
java -jar bundletool-all-1.3.0.jar ^
build-apks ^
--bundle=app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab ^
--output=app-release.apks ^
--ks=your_keystore.keystore ^
--ks-key-alias=your_keystore_alias ^
A file named app-release.apks
will be created, shich can be installed on the device with:
java -jar bundletool-all-1.3.0.jar ^
install-apks ^
--adb=F:\\AndroidSdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe ^
Change the keystore parameters to your own environment (more info here).