This code allows for rain typing from radar images.
Reference: Benoit, L., M. Vrac, and G. Mariethoz (2018), Dealing with non-stationarity in sub-daily stochastic rainfall models, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22(11), 5919-5933, 10.5194/hess-22-5919-2018.
To run the code:
- Put your data (radar images) in a \Data folder, or unzip the file to use the test dataset. NB: The test dataset provided here is made of synthetic radar images.
- Open the file 'script_segment_rain_events.m' and edit the parameters of the script (header of the file)
- Run the file 'script_segment_rain_events.m' in Matlab.
Writen by: Lionel Benoit - University of Lausanne - Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics