We welcome contributions to this session - if you have a paper that you think would fit this call, then drop us an email to discuss (alex.singleton@liverpool.ac.uk
; darribas@liverpool.ac.uk
; M.H.Birkin@leeds.ac.uk
; n.m.lomax@leeds.ac.uk
- Alex Singleton - University of Liverpool
- Mark Birkin - University of Leeds
- Dani Arribas-Bel - University of Liverpool
- Nik Lomax - University of Leeds
This collection of sessions reflects on emerging challenges for post pandemic cities, takes stock of recent developments in urban analytics and city science, and explores how they have and are being deployed to support urban resilience, recovery and reconfiguration. Within these contexts, we are interested in both academic and practitioner papers, from either methodological or applied perspectives that demonstrate the creative use of data and computational modelling to derive actionable insights. Although not an exhaustive or exclusive list, we would be particularly interested in papers that are concerned with:
- Energy poverty
- Home-work reconfiguration
- Mobility modelling and transport demand
- Inequalities and social justice
- Urban remote sensing and image analysis
- Land Use Planning and Net Zero
- Accessibility, health and wellbeing
- Climate resilience
- Synthetic data
- Digital Twins
- AI for urban morphology and modelling
- Use of sensor and mobile app data
- Agent based simulation
- 15 minute cities and the functional reconfiguration of cities
- Geodemographics, Geographic Data Science, and GeoAI for urban environments
- Microsimulation