This repository contains the scripts used to generate binaries. For the moment only amd64 debian binaries are targeted, contributions would be greatly appreciated.
Dependencies :
- vagrant
- virtualbox / libvirt
To compile the debian packages a VM has to be provisionned, this VM is defined by the Vagrantfile. The VM compiles the different ymir project in a directory of the host machine.
First replace the variable YMIR_HOME by the host path in the Vagrantfile.template
, and create a Vagrantfile
This is automatized by the
./ /home/bob/ymir/
Then provision the VM.
cd amd64/deb/
vagrant up
Once the VM is up the different binaries can be created. They must be created in the correct order, 1) gymir, 2) midgard, 3) gyllir.
Gymir is the compiler for the ymir language.
cd amd64/deb/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' gymir/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' gymir/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' gymir/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' gymir/
Depending on your configuration vagrant vm might have a password, it is vagrant
The debian binary can be found in your host directory ${YMIR_HOME}/gymir/gcc-bin/gyc-9_9.3.0_amd64.deb
Midgard is the standard library of the ymir language.
cd amd64/deb/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' midgard/
The debian binary can be found in your host directory ${YMIR_HOME}/midgard/bin/libgmidgard_9.3.0_amd64.deb
Gyllir is the package manager of ymir.
cd amd64/deb/
vagrant ssh -c 'bash -s' gyllir/
The debian binary can be found in your host directory ${YMIR_HOME}/gyllir/bin/gyllir_0.1.0_amd64.deb