This is version 2 of a free weed shop script used with a legion weed shop mlo
Add Empty weed bags, Rolling Paper, Trimming Scissors to a shop/store
Add Images To **-Inventory/html/images
-- gx-weedshop
ak47_joint = { name = 'ak47_joint', label = 'AK47 Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_ak47.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
amnesia_joint = { name = 'amnesia_joint', label = 'Amnesia Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_amnesia.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
ogkush_joint = { name = 'ogkush_joint', label = 'Og Kush Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_ogkush.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
purplehaze_joint = { name = 'purplehaze_joint', label = 'Purple Haze Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_purplehaze.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
skunk_joint = { name = 'skunk_joint', label = 'Skunk Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_skunk.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
whitewidow_joint = { name = 'whitewidow_joint', label = 'White Widow Joint', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'joint_whitewidow.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
trimming_scissors = { name = 'trimming_scissors', label = 'Trimming Scissors', weight = 1500, type = "item", image = "trimming_scissors.png", unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, expire = 90, description = "Very Sharp Trimming Scissors"},
ak47_bud = { name = 'ak47_bud', label = 'AK47 Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_ak47_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
amnesia_bud = { name = 'amnesia_bud', label = 'Amnesia Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_amnesia_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
ogkush_bud = { name = 'ogkush_bud', label = 'Og Kush Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_og-kush_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
purplehaze_bud = { name = 'purplehaze_bud', labeL = 'Purple Haze Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_purple-haze_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
skunk_bud = { name = 'skunk_bud', label = 'Skunk Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_skunk_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
whitewidow_bud = { name = 'whitewidow_bud', label = 'White Widow Bud', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_white-widow_bud.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Sidney would be very proud at you'},
weed_whitewidow = { name = 'weed_whitewidow', label = 'White Widow 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g White Widow'},
weed_skunk = { name = 'weed_skunk', label = 'Skunk 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g Skunk'},
weed_purplehaze = { name = 'weed_purplehaze', label = 'Purple Haze 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g Purple Haze'},
weed_ogkush = { name = 'weed_ogkush', label = 'OGKush 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g OG Kush'},
weed_amnesia = { name = 'weed_amnesia', label = 'Amnesia 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g Amnesia'},
weed_ak47 = { name = 'weed_ak47', label = 'AK47 2g', weight = 200, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = false, combinable = nil, description = 'A weed bag with 2g AK47'},
empty_weed_bag = { name = 'empty_weed_bag', label = 'Empty Weed Bag', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'weed_baggy_empty.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'A small empty bag'},
rolling_paper = { name = 'rolling_paper', label = 'Rolling Paper', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'rolling_paper.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = true, combinable = { accept = { 'weed_whitewidow', 'weed_skunk', 'weed_purplehaze', 'weed_ogkush', 'weed_amnesia', 'weed_ak47' }, reward = 'joint', anim = { dict = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_high_dry@', lib = 'weed_inspecting_high_base_inspector', text = 'Rolling joint', timeOut = 5000, } }, description = 'Paper made specifically for encasing and smoking tobacco or cannabis.' },
['weedshop'] = {
label = 'Weedshop',
defaultDuty = true,
offDutyPay = false,
grades = {
['0'] = { name = 'Harvester', payment = 50 },
['1'] = { name = 'Bagger', payment = 75 },
['2'] = { name = 'Roller', payment = 100 },
['3'] = { name = 'Manager', isboss = true, payment = 150 },