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Ptival committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent 3ce1bbb commit 15ff4bf
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Showing 10 changed files with 142 additions and 116 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ tests: true

-- NOTE: This applies to the whole package: reopt and reopt-explore
package reopt
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-error=unused-imports -Wno-error=unused-do-bind -Wno-error=unused-pattern-binds
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-error=unused-imports -Wno-error=unused-do-bind -Wno-error=unused-pattern-binds -Wno-error=unused-matches
-- ghc-options: -Wall -Werror
package reopt-tools
ghc-options: -Wall
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions reopt.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ executable reopt
Expand Down
123 changes: 77 additions & 46 deletions reopt/Main_reopt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Lens (Lens', (^.), (^..))
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Extra (concatForM, concatMapM)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as AE
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
Expand All @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.ElfEdit qualified as Elf
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Version (Version (versionBranch))
import Data.Word (Word64)
Expand All @@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ import System.IO.Error (
import Text.Printf (printf)

import Data.Macaw.Analysis.RegisterUse qualified as Macaw
import Data.Macaw.CFG qualified as Macaw
import Data.Macaw.DebugLogging qualified as Macaw
import Data.Macaw.Discovery qualified as Macaw
import Data.Parameterized.Some (Some (Some))
Expand All @@ -66,12 +66,8 @@ import Reopt.Occam (
import Reopt.Server (runServer)
import Reopt.TypeInference.ConstraintGen (
ModuleConstraints (mcNamedTypes, mcWarnings),
import Reopt.TypeInference.FunTypeMaps (getAddrSymMap)

-- import Reopt.TypeInference.FunTypeMaps (getAddrSymMap)
import Reopt.TypeInference.Pretty (ppFunction)
import Reopt.Utils.Exit (
Expand All @@ -87,8 +83,13 @@ import Reopt.X86 (

import Data.Macaw.CFG (ArchAddrWidth, ArchMemAddr, MemWidth, asSegmentOff)
import Data.Macaw.Discovery (DiscoveryState (memory), FunctionExploreReason (UserRequest), markAddrsAsFunction)
import Data.Macaw.X86.SyscallInfo (SyscallPersonality)
import Paths_reopt (version)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Reopt.CFG.FnRep (FnBlock (fbStmts), FnStmt (FnCall), FnValue (..), fnBlocks)
import Reopt.TypeInference.ConstraintGen (ModuleConstraints (..), genModuleConstraints, showInferredTypes)
import Reopt.TypeInference.FunTypeMaps (FunTypeMaps, SymAddrMap, getAddrSymMap)

reoptVersion :: String
reoptVersion = printf "Reopt binary reoptimizer (reopt) %s" v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,36 +859,14 @@ performReopt args elfPath = do
unless (shouldRecover args) $ reoptEndNow ()

let sysp = osPersonality os
-- recoverX86Output <-
-- doRecoverX86 funPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap discState
-- let recMod = recoveredModule recoverX86Output
-- let relinkerInfo = mergeRelations recoverX86Output

-- Generate constraints
-- let moduleConstraints =
-- genModuleConstraints
-- recMod
-- (Macaw.memory discState)
-- (traceTypeUnification args)
-- (traceConstraintOrigins args)

-- _ <- trace "About to re-run discovery" (pure ())
-- let newAddr = fromMaybe (error "sad") $ Macaw.resolveRegionOff (Macaw.memory discState) 1 0x1149
-- let discState' = Macaw.markAddrAsFunction Macaw.UserRequest newAddr discState
let rerunDiscState = discState
-- rerunDiscState <-
-- reoptRunDiscovery (getAddrSymMap symAddrMap) $
-- Macaw.incCompleteDiscovery discState' (roDiscoveryOptions rOpts)
-- _ <- trace "Done re-running discovery" (pure ())

recoverX86Output <- doRecoverX86 funPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap rerunDiscState
let recMod = recoveredModule recoverX86Output
let relinkerInfo = mergeRelations recoverX86Output
(recoverX86Output, recMod, moduleConstraints) <-
reoptRecoveryLoop args symAddrMap rOpts funPrefix sysp debugTypeMap discState

forM_ (recoveredDefs recMod) $ \ f -> do
trace "FUNCTION" (pure ())
trace (show (PP.pretty f)) (pure ())
-- forM_ (recoveredDefs recMod) $ \ f -> do
-- trace "FUNCTION" (pure ())
-- trace (show (PP.pretty f)) (pure ())

let relinkerInfo = mergeRelations recoverX86Output
case relinkerInfoExportPath args of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just path -> do
Expand All @@ -907,13 +886,6 @@ performReopt args elfPath = do
let buffer = AE.encodingToLazyByteString (AE.list id invariants)
reoptWriteByteString AnnotationsFileType path buffer

let moduleConstraints =
(Macaw.memory rerunDiscState)
(traceTypeUnification args)
(traceConstraintOrigins args)

-- FIXME: move
prettyDefs =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1065,8 +1037,8 @@ displayConstraintsInformation moduleConstraints = do
-- putStrLn (unlines (map (show . PP.indent 4 . PP.pretty) (mcConstraints moduleConstraints)))
-- putStrLn "Constraints (solving)"
-- putStrLn (unlines (map (show . PP.indent 4 . PP.pretty) (mcTyConstraints moduleConstraints)))
putStrLn "Inferred types"
putStrLn (showInferredTypes moduleConstraints)
-- putStrLn "Inferred types"
-- putStrLn (showInferredTypes moduleConstraints)

main' :: IO ()
main' = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1096,3 +1068,62 @@ main = main' `catch` h
displayError "Other error"
IO.hPrint IO.stderr e
IO.hPrint IO.stderr $ ioeGetErrorType e

-- | Checks whether a given `FnStmt` has a potential code pointer address we
-- want to try and investigate. We intended for such addresses to be identified
-- via type reconstruction, but it turns out that we can just get away with
-- identifying code-pointer-sized values pointing into an executable segment.
-- However, we could double-check with the results of type reconstruction to
-- potentially avoid some spurious pointers.
fnStmtHasCandidate ::
MemWidth (ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
Monad m =>
FnStmt arch ->
m [ArchMemAddr arch]
fnStmtHasCandidate (FnCall _fn args _mRet) = do
concatForM args $ \(Some fnValue) ->
case fnValue of
FnCodePointer addr -> return [addr]
_ -> return []
fnStmtHasCandidate _ = return []

reoptRecoveryLoop ::
Args ->
SymAddrMap 64 ->
ReoptOptions ->
BSC.ByteString ->
SyscallPersonality ->
FunTypeMaps 64 ->
Macaw.DiscoveryState X86_64 ->
ReoptM X86_64 r (RecoverX86Output, RecoveredModule X86_64, ModuleConstraints X86_64)
reoptRecoveryLoop args symAddrMap rOpts funPrefix sysp debugTypeMap = go
go previousDiscState = do
discState <-
reoptRunDiscovery (getAddrSymMap symAddrMap) $
Macaw.incCompleteDiscovery previousDiscState (roDiscoveryOptions rOpts)

recoverX86Output <- doRecoverX86 funPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap discState
let recMod = recoveredModule recoverX86Output

let moduleConstraints =
(Macaw.memory discState)
(traceTypeUnification args)
(traceConstraintOrigins args)

-- Search for new candidate function entry points
let allBlocks = concatMap fnBlocks (recoveredDefs recMod)
let allStmts = concatMap fbStmts allBlocks
candidateAddresses <- concatMapM fnStmtHasCandidate allStmts
let candidateAddressesAsSegOffs = mapMaybe (asSegmentOff (memory discState)) candidateAddresses
-- NOTE: if we mark addresses that have already been tried (even if they
-- have failed), Macaw will not add them to the unexplored frontier, so
-- there is no risk here.
let newDiscState = markAddrsAsFunction UserRequest candidateAddressesAsSegOffs discState
let unexplored = newDiscState ^. Macaw.unexploredFunctions

if null unexplored
then return (recoverX86Output, recMod, moduleConstraints)
else go newDiscState
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions scratch/stripped/function_pointer.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
// int apply(int (*f)(int), int i) { return f(i); }

int callee(int i) {
return i + 42;
return i;
int higher_order(int (*f)()) { return apply(f, 13); }
int callit() {
return higher_order(callee) + 2; // need +2 otherwise Macaw doesn't see RAX used...
// int higher_order(int (*f)()) { return apply(f, 13); }
// int callit() {
// return higher_order(callee) + 2; // need +2 otherwise Macaw doesn't see RAX used...
// }
int main() { return callee(0); }
Binary file modified scratch/stripped/function_pointer_stripped
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified scratch/stripped/function_pointer_unstripped
Binary file not shown.
76 changes: 39 additions & 37 deletions src/Reopt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1711,10 +1711,10 @@ headerTypeMap ::
ReoptM arch r (FunTypeMaps (Macaw.ArchAddrWidth arch))
headerTypeMap hdrAnn dynDepsTypeMap symAddrMap noretMap = do

trace "typeDefs" $ forM_ (Map.assocs (typeDefs hdrAnn)) $ \ (bs, ty) ->
trace (show bs <> "" <> show ty) (pure ())
trace "funDecls" $ forM_ (Map.assocs (funDecls hdrAnn)) $ \ (bs, ty) ->
trace (show bs <> "" <> show ty) (pure ())
-- trace "typeDefs" $ forM_ (Map.assocs (typeDefs hdrAnn)) $ \ (bs, ty) ->
-- trace (show bs <> " ↦ " <> show ty) (pure ())
-- trace "funDecls" $ forM_ (Map.assocs (funDecls hdrAnn)) $ \ (bs, ty) ->
-- trace (show bs <> " ↦ " <> show ty) (pure ())

globalStepStarted Events.HeaderTypeInference

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2296,10 +2296,10 @@ x86ArgumentAnalysis sysp resolveFunName funTypeMap discState = do
Either String [Some (Value X86_64 ids)]
resolveFn callSite callRegs = do
-- trace ("[!!!] Resolving " <> show callSite <> ", regs: " <> show callRegs) $
trace ("FunMap:\n" <> show funTypeMap) $
-- trace ("FunMap:\n" <> show funTypeMap) $
case x86CallRegs mem resolveFunName resolveFunType callSite callRegs of
Left rsn -> trace "Left" $ Left (ppRegisterUseErrorReason rsn)
Right r -> trace "Right" $ Right (callArgValues r)
Left rsn -> Left (ppRegisterUseErrorReason rsn)
Right r -> Right (callArgValues r)
functionDemands (x86DemandInfo sysp) mem resolveFn $
filter shouldPropagate $
Macaw.exploredFunctions discState
Expand All @@ -2316,9 +2316,11 @@ x86ArgumentAnalysis sysp resolveFunName funTypeMap discState = do
printf "%s: Could not determine signature at callsite %s:\n %s" (Events.ppFnEntry dnm faddr) (Events.ppSegOff callSite) msg
globalStepFinished Events.FunctionArgInference ()

traceM $ "Dems: " <> show dems
let fty = inferFunctionTypeFromDemands dems
traceM $ "Inferred function type: " <> show fty
-- traceM "Demand set: "
-- forM_ (Map.assocs dems) $ \(off, dem) ->
-- traceM (show off <> " ↦ " <> show dem)
-- let fty = inferFunctionTypeFromDemands dems
-- traceM $ "Inferred function type: " <> show fty

pure (inferFunctionTypeFromDemands dems, summaryFails)

Expand All @@ -2340,9 +2342,9 @@ doRecoverX86 ::
ReoptM X86_64 r RecoverX86Output
doRecoverX86 unnamedFunPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap discState = do

trace "Potential fun type map:" $
forM_ (Map.assocs (addrTypeMap debugTypeMap)) $ \ (k, v) -> do
trace (show k <> "" <> show v) (pure ())
-- trace "Potential fun type map:" $
-- forM_ (Map.assocs (addrTypeMap debugTypeMap)) $ \ (k, v) -> do
-- trace (show k <> " ↦ " <> show v) (pure ())

-- Map names to known function types when we have explicit information.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2382,15 +2384,15 @@ doRecoverX86 unnamedFunPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap discState = do
let resolveFunName a = Map.lookup a funNameMap
x86ArgumentAnalysis sysp resolveFunName knownFunTypeMap discState

let explored =
[ nm
| Some finfo <- Macaw.exploredFunctions discState
, let faddr = Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo
, let nm = Map.findWithDefault (error "Address undefined in funNameMap") faddr funNameMap
-- let explored =
-- [ nm
-- | Some finfo <- Macaw.exploredFunctions discState
-- , let faddr = Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo
-- , let nm = Map.findWithDefault (error "Address undefined in funNameMap") faddr funNameMap
-- ]

trace "Functions explored by Macaw:" $ forM_ explored $ \ nm ->
trace ("" <> show nm) (pure ())
-- trace "Functions explored by Macaw:" $ forM_ explored $ \ nm ->
-- trace (" → " <> show nm) (pure ())

funTypeMap :: Map BS.ByteString (MemSegmentOff 64, X86FunTypeInfo)
Expand All @@ -2404,25 +2406,25 @@ doRecoverX86 unnamedFunPrefix sysp symAddrMap debugTypeMap discState = do
, tp <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup faddr fDems

trace "fDems:" $ forM_ (Map.assocs fDems) $ \ (k, v) ->
trace (show k <> "" <> show v) (pure ())
trace "Candidates were:" (pure ())
[ (faddr, nm)
| Some finfo <- Macaw.exploredFunctions discState
, let faddr = Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo
, let nm = Map.findWithDefault (error "Address undefined in funNameMap") faddr funNameMap
-- , tp <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup faddr fDems
] $ \ (a, nm) ->
trace (show a <> "" <> show nm) (pure ())

trace "Actual fun type map:" $
forM_ (Map.assocs funTypeMap) $ \ kv -> do
trace (show kv) (pure ())
-- trace "fDems:" $ forM_ (Map.assocs fDems) $ \ (k, v) ->
-- trace (show k <> " ↦ " <> show v) (pure ())
-- trace "Candidates were:" (pure ())
-- forM_
-- [ (faddr, nm)
-- | Some finfo <- Macaw.exploredFunctions discState
-- , let faddr = Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo
-- , let nm = Map.findWithDefault (error "Address undefined in funNameMap") faddr funNameMap
-- -- , tp <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup faddr fDems
-- ] $ \ (a, nm) ->
-- trace (show a <> " ↦ " <> show nm) (pure ())

-- trace "Actual fun type map:" $
-- forM_ (Map.assocs funTypeMap) $ \ kv -> do
-- trace (show kv) (pure ())

fnDefsAndLogEvents <- fmap catMaybes $
forM (Macaw.exploredFunctions discState) $ \(Some finfo) -> do
trace ("Considering recovering " <> show (Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo)) $ do
-- trace ("Considering recovering " <> show (Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo)) $ do
let faddr = Macaw.discoveredFunAddr finfo
let _ = trace ("2: " <> show faddr) ()
let dnm = Macaw.discoveredFunSymbol finfo
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/Reopt/CFG/FnRep.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,11 +234,10 @@ data FnValue (arch :: Type) (tp :: M.Type) where
-- | Symbol name of this function.
BSC.ByteString ->
FnValue arch (BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch))
-- | Value is a function.
-- The int should be in the range @[0..argCount)@, and the type repr
-- is the type of the argument.
-- | Value is a function argument. The int should be in the range
-- @[0..argCount)@, and the type repr is the type of the argument.
FnArg :: !Int -> !(TypeRepr tp) -> FnValue arch tp
-- | Value is a constant pointer into the executable segment
FnCodePointer ::
Macaw.MemAddr (ArchAddrWidth arch) ->
FnValue arch (BVType (ArchAddrWidth arch))
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Reopt/CFG/LLVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ import Reopt.TypeInference.Solver (
pattern FUnknownTy,
import Reopt.VCG.Annotations qualified as Ann
import Debug.Trace (trace)

data LLVMBitCastInfo = LLVMBitCastInfo
{ llvmBitCastSrcType :: L.Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1334,7 +1333,8 @@ stmtToLLVM ::
FnStmt arch ->
BBLLVM arch ()
stmtToLLVM stmt = bbArchConstraints $ do
comment (show $ PP.pretty stmt)
-- This prints the FnStmt alongside the LLVM code, for debugging purposes
-- comment (show $ PP.pretty stmt)
case stmt of
FnComment _ -> return ()
FnAssignStmt (FnAssignment lhs rhs) -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1901,7 +1901,7 @@ defineFunction aInfo archOps genOpts constraints f = do
, needSwitchFailLabel = False
, funBlockPhiMap = initResolvePhiMap f
trace (show (PP.pretty (fnEntryBlock f))) (pure ())
-- trace (show (PP.pretty (fnEntryBlock f))) (pure ())
let (postEntryFunState, entryBlockRes) =
addLLVMBlock ctx initFunState (fnEntryBlock f)

Expand Down

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