This is a simple note-taking application built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The application allows users to create, edit, and delete notes, and it utilizes the browser's Local Storage to store the notes persistently.
- ✏️ Create new notes with a title and content.
- ✏️ Edit existing notes.
- ❌ Delete unwanted notes.
- 💾 Notes are automatically saved to the Local Storage.
- 💾 Notes persist across browser sessions.
- Getting Started 🚀
- Clone the repository to your local machine or download the source code as a ZIP file.
- Open the project folder.
- Open the index.html file in a web browser of your choice.
Once you have the application open in your web browser, you can start taking notes using the following steps:
- To create a new note, click on the "➕ Add Note" button.
- Enter a title and content for the note in the provided input fields.
- Move your mouse away from the input fields or click elsewhere on the page. The note will be automatically saved.
- To edit a note, double-click on the note in the list. The note's title and content will be displayed in the input fields.
- Modify the title or content as desired, and then move your mouse away from the input fields or click elsewhere on the page. The note will be automatically saved.
- To delete a note, double-click on the note in the list. The note will be deleted from the list.
- The notes you create or modify will be automatically saved to the browser's Local Storage, ensuring that they persist even if you close the browser or refresh the page.
The note-taking application is built using the following technologies:
- ⚙️ HTML: Provides the structure and layout of the application.
- 🎨 CSS: Styles the HTML elements to create an attractive user interface.
- 🚀 JavaScript: Implements the application's logic and interacts with the browser's Local Storage.