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Release v0.9.3

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@reedliu reedliu released this 30 May 02:30
· 140 commits to master since this release

Genekitr v0.9.3

  • add cell markers for human all metadata
  • add function getPubmedTrend for plotting

Genekitr v0.9.2

  • add new function plotEnrichAdv for up/down regulated GO/KEGG pathways visulization

Genekitr v0.9.1

  • add scale_ratio to sub functions of plotEnrich (e.g. lollipop, dot)

Genekitr v0.9.0

  • Fix transProbe could not load bioc_pkg automatically
  • Update genGO universe gene set even if it is not the same type with input genes

Genekitr v0.8.9

  • Add transProbe function to convert microarray probe id to gene id

Genekitr v0.8.8

  • Add simGO function

Genekitr v0.8.7

  • Automatically check current annotation data for genInfo()
  • Replace keys argument with add_term in getPubmed() and add n_num parameter which could set limit the number of records.