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Firestore Collection Structure

1. Users Collection

Collection Name Document ID Fields
users user_id - username: string
- email: string
- profile_image: string (URL)
- created_at: timestamp

2. Chats Collection

Collection Name Document ID Fields
chats chat_id - chat_type: string ('1v1' or 'group')
- chat_name: string (for group chats only)
- created_by: user_id
- created_at: timestamp
- participants: array

Participants Array:

Field Description
user_id ID of the participant
joined_at Timestamp of when the user joined

3. Messages Sub-collection

Collection Name Document ID Fields
chats/{chat_id}/messages message_id - sender_id: string
- content: string
- message_type: string ('text', 'image', 'file')
- sent_at: timestamp
- status: object (per user)
- reactions: object (user reactions)

Status Object:

Field Description
user_id ID of the participant
status Message status ('sent', 'delivered', 'read')

Reactions Object:

Field Description
user_id ID of the user reacting to the message
emoji_code Reaction emoji (e.g., 👍, ❤️, 😂)

4. User Status Collection (Optional for typing/online indicators)

Collection Name Document ID Fields
user_status user_id - online: boolean
- typing_in_chat_id: string
- last_active: timestamp