siigo-python is an API wrapper for Siigo (accounting software), written in Python
pip install siigo-python
- If you don't have an access token:
from siigo.client import Client
client = Client(email, access_key)
- Generate access token
response = client.generate_token()
- Set token
- If you already have an access token:
from siigo.client import Client
client = Client(token=access_token)
# page_size limit = 100
users = client.list_users(page_size=25, page=1)
# filter options: code, created_start, created_end, updated_start, updated_end, id, page_size, page
# date formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'
# id: It is possible to filter multiple ids at the same time separated by commas.
# page_size limit = 100
products = client.list_products(created_start="2023-01-01")
product = client.create_product("AAAAA111233", "PS6", 1254, "Product")
# code: must be a unique value
# account_group: account group id, get list from: list_account_groups()
# type: options are 'Product', 'Service' or 'ConsumerGood'
# tax_classification: options are 'Taxed', 'Exempt' or 'Excluded'
# taxes: list of dictionaries with the following structure:
# [{"id": "1234"}]
# prices: list of dictionaries with the following structure:
# [{"currency_code": "COP", "price_list": [{"position": 1,"value": 12000}]}]
# unit: check siigo measure unit codes:
# additional_fields: current options are: barcode, brand, tariff and model. Example:
# {"barcode": "B0123", "brand": "Gef", "tariff": "151612", "model": "Loiry"}
# filter options: identification, branch_office, created_start, created_end, updated_start, updated_end, page_size, page
# date formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'
# page_size limit = 100
customers = client.list_customers(created_start="2023-01-01")
customer = client.create_customer(
["Juan Carlos", "Rios"],
[{"first_name": "Juan", "last_name": "Rios", "email": "",}],
[{"indicative": "57", "number": "3006113345", "extension": "132"}],
"address": "Calle 47 Bis A 28-55",
"city": {"country_code": "co", "state_code": "19", "city_code": "19001"},
"postal_code": "110911",
# person_type: options are "Person" or "Company"
# id_type: check siigo id types:
# name: if person type is "Company" list with just one value, if person type is "Person" list with two values
# contacts: list of dictionaries with the following structure:
# [
# {
# "first_name": "Marcos",
# "last_name": "Castillo",
# "email": "",
# "phone": {"indicative": "57", "number": "3006003345", "extension": "132"}
# }
# ]
# phones: list of dictionaries with the following structure:
# [{"indicative": "57", "number": "3006003345", "extension": "132"}]
# address: object with the following structure:
# {
# "address": "Cra. 18 #79A - 42",
# "city": {"country_code": "Co", "state_code": "19", "city_code": "19001"},
# "postal_code": "110911"
# }
# type: options are "Customer", "Supplier" or "Other"
# fiscal_responsibilities: options are "R-99-PN", "O-13", "O-15", "O-23" or "O-47"
# related_users: dictionary with two values "seller_id" and "collector_id"
# Example: {"seller_id": 629, "collector_id": 629}
# filter options: identification, branch_office, created_start, created_end, updated_start, updated_end, page_size, page
# date formats: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'
# page_size limit = 100
invoices = client.list_invoices(created_start="2023-01-01")
fv = client.create_invoice(
{"id": 24446},
{"identification": "1040570645", "branch_office": 0},
[{ "code": "DEX6360", "description": "Shirt", "quantity": 1, "price": 8000.00, "discount": 0}],
[{"id": 9485, "value": 8000.00, "due_date": "2023-01-01"}]
# document: document type id. Dict with the following structure: {"id": 24446} \n
# date: yyyy-MM-dd format \n
# customer: customer identification and branch_office - {"identification": "13832081", "branch_office": 0} \n
# seller: seller id \n
# items: list of items with the following structure: \n
# [
# {
# "code": "Item-1", # must be a valid code.
# "description": "Camiseta de algodón",
# "quantity": 1,
# "price": 1069.77,
# "discount": 0,
# "taxes": [{"id": 13156}]
# }
# ] \n
# payments: list with the following structure: [{"id": 5636, "value": 1273.03, "due_date": "2021-03-19"}] \n
# currency: only for foreign exchange currency: {"code": "USD", "exchange_rate": 3825.03} \n
# Note: The total payments must be equal to the total invoice.
groups = client.list_group_accounts()
taxes = client.list_taxes()
price_lists = client.list_price_lists()
cost_centers = client.list_cost_centers()
# options are "FV", "NC" or "RC"
doc_types = client.list_document_types("FV")
# options are "FV", "NC" or "RC"
payments = client.list_payment_types("FV")