⭐ Added
"Sampler" action.
Press-and-hold to record a sample.
Press again to playback sample.
Record any audio device (capture and playback).
Save as WAV, or encode to MP3, automatic volume normalization.
"Set App Audio Device" action.
Change the audio device for the foreground window.
Or, change the audio device for a specific application.
Great for Wave:1 and Wave:3 users!
"Stop Audio" action.
Stops all audio playback from any "Play Audio" or "Sampler" action.
"Play Audio" action enhancements.
Volume control! Individually control the volume of your audio clips.
New action types:
Play All / Stop; plays the playlist from the next track, or stops playback if a track is playing.
Loop All / Stop; loops the playlist from the next track, or stops playback if a track is playing.
Loop All / Stop (Reset); loops the playlist from the first track, or stops playback if a track is playing.
🐞 Fixed
Greatly reduced CPU usage when playing audio files.
Fixed audio time display.
Fixed an issue when moving actions around could cause incorrect playback.
♻ Changed
Removed drag-handle within Play Audio settings when order was sequential.
You can’t perform that action at this time.