./gradlew init \
--type java-application \
--dsl groovy \
--test-framework junit-jupiter \
--project-name project_name \
--package com.gelerion.kafak.streams
Running task from a subproject
./gradlew :subproject:task_name --info
- 01_hello_world
- Processor API and DSL API examples
- 02_crypto_sentiment
- Branching, filtering and merging streams
- Avro serialization and schema registry
- 03_video_game_leaderboard
- KStream, KTable and GlobalKTable
- KStream-KStream, KStream-KTable and KTable-GlobalKTable joins
- Interactive queries
- 04_patient_monitoring
- Window joins
- Suppression
- Time semantics
- 05_digital_twin_service
- Processor API
- Stateless and Stateful stream processing
- Periodic functions with Punctuate
- 06_monitoring_changes_at_netflix
- ksqlDB
- Custom data types
- Persistent queries
- Joins and aggregations
- UDFs
- Fault Tolerance
- Changelog Topics. (state stores are backed by changelog topics)
- Standby Replicas
- Rebalancing
- Preventing State Migration
- Sticky Assignment (to help prevent stateful tasks from being reassigned, Kafka Streams uses a custom partition assignment strategy that attempts to reassign tasks to instances that previously owned the task)
- Static Membership
- Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing (>= 2.4)
- Preventing State Migration
- Controlling State Size
- Tombstones
- Window retention
- Aggressive topic compaction
- Fixed-size LRU cache