- Created denbi.medium instance with Ubuntu 22.04 image with 100GB root filesystem volume.
- Installed official Docker following the manual.
- Added the
user to thedocker
group (for running containers without being root):
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu
- Add user public key on the denbi cloud OpenStack admin interface.
- Configure local
following Denbi documentation, for example for userluiz.gadelha
(user name can be found on denbi cloud admin interface on the profile section):
# Access to the de.NBI jumphost
Host denbi-jumphost-01.denbi.dkfz-heidelberg.de
# Use your Elixir login name
User luiz.gadelha
# Use your ssh-key file
IdentityFile /Users/lgadelha/.ssh/id_rsa
# Open a SOCKS proxy locally to tunnel traffic into the cloud environment
DynamicForward localhost:7777
# Forward locally managed keys to the VMs which are behind the jumphosts
ForwardAgent yes
# Send a keep-alive packet to prevent the connection from beeing terminated
ServerAliveInterval 120
# Access to de.NBI cloud floating IP networks via SOCKS Proxy
Host 10.133.24* 10.133.25*
# Tunnel all requests through dynamic SOCKS proxy
ProxyJump denbi-jumphost-01.denbi.dkfz-heidelberg.de
# Use your ssh-key file
IdentityFile /Users/lgadelha/.ssh/id_rsa
# Forward locally managed keys
ForwardAgent yes
# Send a keep-alive packet to prevent the connection from beeing terminated
ServerAliveInterval 120
- https://github.com/GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-rems
- https://github.com/GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-beacon2-ri-api.git
The user facing services are running with TLS encryption. To create the certificates, we used Certbot. and then copied the certificate files to the traefik directory
cd into the traefik
mkdir certs
mkdir log
copy your certificate file to the folder.
if the filenames are different than "fullchain.pem" and "privkey.pem" update the dynamic_conf.yml
- Don't forget to set up a cronjob to update the certificate files when they are renewed
update the following line "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(traefik.gdi.dkfz.de
)" in docker-compose.yml
with your dashboard hostname url
docker compose up -d
check the logs and the traefik dashboard to confirm the container is running as expected.
The GDI Starter Kit Beacon is now using the official EGA Beacon v2 Reference Implementation repository instead of the previous GDI fork:
git clone https://github.com/EGA-archive/beacon2-ri-api.git
Follow instructions on Github repository: https://github.com/EGA-archive/beacon2-ri-api/blob/master/deploy/README.md.
Followed instructions from the Beacon RI Tools v2 repository:
First connect to jumphost
ssh denbi-jumphost-01.denbi.dkfz-heidelberg.de
ssh to GDI SK VM:
ssh ubuntu@
Add private key to ssh-agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -l
cd traefik_test
docker compose up -d
Can be accessed via browser in https://gdi.ghga.dev/
Needs configuration on section "labels:" on docker-compose.yaml
cd starter-kit-lsaai-mock/
docker compose up -d
cp configuration/aai-mock/clients/sample-client.yaml configuration/aai-mock/clients/my-client.yaml
vi configuration/aai-mock/clients/my-client.yaml
# edit line -> client-id
# edit line -> redirect-uris
docker compose restart
vi configuration/aai-mock/application.properties
docker compose restart
#get code from the mock lsaai url
export code=CH2eTUralW6uyBDrpNAT1D
curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \--data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \--data-urlencode "code=$code" \--data-urlencode 'client_id=juju_id' \--data-urlencode 'client_secret=secret_value' \--data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile ga4gh_passport_v1 email'
to get the access token ^^^
-h "Authorization: $token"
cd starter-kit-rems/
conda activate beaconV2
pip install "Authlib>=1.2.0"
python generate_jwks.py
docker compose up -d db
docker compose run --rm -e CMD="migrate" rems-app
docker compose up -d rems-app
export REMS_OWNER=jd123@lifescience-ri.eu # this is from starter-kit-lsaai-mock/configuration/aai-mock/userinfos/sample-user.yaml sub:
Create a rems client in lsaai client dir:
cat ../starter-kit-lsaai-mock/configuration/aai-mock/clients/rems-client.yaml
client-name: "rems client"
client-id: "rems_id"
client-secret: "secret_value"
#redirect-uris: ["http://lsaai.gdi.ghga.dev:9009"]
redirect-uris: ["https://rems.gdi.ghga.dev/oidc-callback"]
token-endpoint-auth-method: "client_secret_basic"
scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "ga4gh_passport_v1"]
grant-types: ["authorization_code"]
#post-logout-redirect-uris: ["http://lsaai.gdi.ghga.dev:9009/post-logout"]
post-logout-redirect-uris: ["https://rems.gdi.ghga.dev"]
Edit config.edn
- :public-url "http://localhost:3000/"
+ :public-url "https://rems.gdi.ghga.dev/"
- :oidc-metadata-url "https://login.elixir-czech.org/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration"
- :oidc-client-id ""
- :oidc-client-secret ""
+ :oidc-metadata-url "https://lsaai.gdi.ghga.dev/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration"
+ :oidc-client-id "rems_id"
+ :oidc-client-secret "secret_value"
docker compose restart rems-app # both lsaai and rems containers
check the logs to make sure it is running
docker compose logs rems-app
connect to rems db to check users and roles:
docker compose exec db psql -h localhost -U rems
Get admin access
export REMS_OWNER=jd123@lifescience-ri.eu
docker exec rems-app java -Drems.config=/rems/config/config.edn -jar rems.jar grant-role owner $REMS_OWNER
Go to the web interface administration page and create the following:
- organisation
- license
- forms
- workflow
- resources
- catalogue item
Create an api key
export API_KEY=rems_api_key
docker exec rems-app java -Drems.config=/rems/config/config.edn -jar rems.jar api-key add $API_KEY this is a test key
create a beacon client in lsaai mock
vi starter-kit-lsaai-mock/configuration/aai-mock/clients/beacon-client.yaml
#add the following lines
client-name: "Sample client"
client-id: "beacon_juju_id"
client-secret: "secret_value"
#redirect-uris: ["http://lsaai.gdi.ghga.dev:9009"]
redirect-uris: ["https://beacon.gdi.ghga.dev"]
token-endpoint-auth-method: "client_secret_basic"
scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "ga4gh_passport_v1"]
grant-types: ["authorization_code"]
#post-logout-redirect-uris: ["http://lsaai.gdi.ghga.dev:9009/post-logout"]
post-logout-redirect-uris: ["https://beacon.gdi.ghga.dev/post-logout"]
cd beacon2-ri-api/
cd permissions
vi .env
# the following line