AvengersChat version 1.1.0
was released 🎉
What's Changed
- Refactor layouts and remove unused resources by @skydoves in #17
- Rename package names by @skydoves in #18
- Bump Stream SDK to 4.27.0 by @skydoves in #19
- Bump Stream Chat SDK to 4.28.2 and clean up other dependencies by @skydoves in #20
- Migrate Stream Chat SDK to 5.0.1 by @skydoves in #21
- Bump Stream chat SDK to 5.1.0 and update dependencies by @skydoves in #22
- Bump dependencies and spotless gradle setup by @skydoves in #23
- Migrate to version catalog and KTS by @skydoves in #24
- implement core-model module by @skydoves in #25
- Refactor into core-network, core-database, core-data modules by @skydoves in #26
- Refactor repositories with interfaces by @skydoves in #27
- Implement core-uicomponenets by @skydoves in #28
- Implement feature-dm module by @skydoves in #29
- Modularize into feature modules and refactor navigation systems by @skydoves in #30
Full Changelog: 1.0.6...1.1.0