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Auth routes

POST /api/auth/login

String: username

String password

    "token": "auth token string" 

POST /api/auth/register

  • String username

  • String password

  • String email

  • Number status - 0 - freelancer / 1 - employer

          "token": "auth token string" 

OR if error

    "message": "reason" 

POST /api/auth/check-email

Checks if email is available String email

    "success": "good" 

OR if error

    "message": "Email already registered" 

POST /api/auth/check-username

Checks if user name is available

String: username

    "success": "good" 

OR if error

    "message": "Name already in use" 

GET /api/auth/id

Auth header required

	"user_id": "5a9df8f1d1db7a0b3c98a713"

User routes

Auth header required in all routes

GET /api/user/all

        "username": "niko1",
    "_id": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06",
    "image": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06.jpg",
        "email": "",
        "city": "Sepolno3",
        "phone": "555983212",
        "last_name": "French2",
        "first_name": "English1",
        "status": 0
        "**username**": "niko",
        "email": ""
		"status": "-1"
        "**username**": "niko23",
        "email": ""
		"status": "-1"


  • /api/user/:id
  • /api/user/me

If user is of status 0 - employee data will be added, status 1 - empoyer data will be added

:id - id of user to GET - me stands for logged in user

Example of status 0

	    "user": {
		"create_date": [],
		"_id": "5aaad2641752053ae942d328",
		"username": "msz64",
		"email": "",
		"status": 0,
		"city": "Duza Cerkwica",
		"phone": "123456789",
		"last_name": "Szczu",
		"first_name": "Miko",
		"unread_messages": 1
		"image": "5aaad2641752053ae942d328.png"
	    "rate": 0,
	    "employee": {
		"bids": [
		"languages": [
			"name": "Spanish"
		"software": [
			"name": "Microsoft World"
		"specs": [
			"name": "Angular 2"
		"certifications": [
			"name": "CISCO2"
		"categories": [
			"name": "Android developer"
		"_id": "5aaad2761752053ae942d329",
		"finished_asks": 1,
		"in_progress_asks": 1,
		"waiting_asks": 5

Example of status 1

	    "user": {
		"create_date": [],
		"_id": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06",
		"username": "qwe",
		"email": "",
		"status": 1,
		"city": "Gch",
		"phone": "321321321",
		"last_name": "Pracodawca",
		"first_name": "Jakis ",
		"unread_messages": 0
		"image": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06.png"
	    "rate": 0,
	    "employer": {
		"asks": [
		"company": [
		"_id": "5aaada5c43fb9a3e9c0aab08",
		"active_asks": 4,
		"finished_asks": 1,
		"in_progress_asks": 0

rate is the average of all rates

GET /api/user/:id/rates

Resturns All rates of a user.

  • :id - id of a user to get rates from (path property)

  • pagesize - number of rates to return - defuault 10

  • page - number of the page of rates - default 0

          "rates": [
                  "grade": 4,
                  "description": "good",
                  "user_to": "5aaac7e584b8179c8a320ae7",
                  "user_from": {
                      "_id": "5aaad2641752053ae942d328",
                      "username": "janek",
                      "last_name": "Kowalski",
                      "first_name": "Jan"
                  "grade": 2,
                  "description": "not that good",
                  "user_to": "5aaac7e584b8179c8a320ae7",
                  "user_from": {
                      "_id": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06",
                      "username": "meme",
                      "last_name": "Skoczek",
                      "first_name": "Krzysztof "
          "count": 2

count - is number of all available rates

POST /api/user/rate

Adds rate or updates previous rate

  • String description
  • Number grade
  • String(id) user_to - id of a user to rate

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/user/update

Updates user, password included

  • String first_name
  • String last_name
  • String password
  • String email
  • String phone
  • String city

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/user/image/upload

Save a user profile file and update property image of user to file name

  • Multipart file: file - only png & jpg

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

DELETE /api/user/image/remove

Removes user image

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

GET /image/user/:img

:img - name and extension of image to get, user property image cointains that value

Returns profile image of a user

Skills routes

Auth header required in all routes


  • /api/skills/categories
  • /api/skills/languages
  • /api/skills/software
  • /api/skills/specializations
  • /api/skills/certifications

certifications doesn't have level property - all the rest is the same languages example

        "name": "Spanish"
		"level": "B"
        "name": "English"
        "name": "French"
        "name": "Italian"

Employee routes

Auth header required in all routes

POST /api/employee/create

  • String first_name

  • String last_name

  • String phone

  • String city

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/employee/update

  • String description
  • String portfolio_link
  • String git_link
  • String linked_in_link
  • Number salary
  • String education
  • Array[String] categories
  • Array[String] languages
  • Array[String] software
  • Array[String] specs
  • Array[String] certifications

Example array would be { languages: ['English', 'Spanish'] }

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

Employer routes

Auth header required in all routes

POST /api/employer/create

  • String first_name

  • String last_name

  • String phone

  • String city

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/employer/update

  • String git_link
  • String linked_in_link

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON


  • /api/employer/asks/my - returns all asks of logged user
  • /api/employer/asks/:id - returns all asks of employer with given id

:id - id of a employer to get asks from.

	        "bids": [5aa80434696ead16a3deb1cb, 5aa80434696ead16a3deb1cc],
	        "is_active": true,
	        "is_complete": false,
	        "creation_date": "2018-03-13T18:03:18.306Z",
	        "languages": [],
	        "software": [],
	        "specs": [],
	        "certifications": [],
	        "categories": [],
	        "_id": "5aa814425367262b5634bd33",
	        "description": "opis",
	        "salary": 1500,
	        "work_time": 12,
	        "employer": "5aa7f6fc696ead16a3deb1c8",
	        "bids": [],
	        "is_active": true,
	        "is_complete": false,
	        "creation_date": "2018-03-13T18:03:18.306Z",
	        "languages": [],
	        "software": [],
	        "specs": [],
	        "certifications": [],
	        "categories": [
	                "name": "Android developer"
	                "name": "Web developer"
	        "_id": "5aa816115367262b5634bd34",
	        "description": "opis",
	        "salary": 1500,
	        "work_time": 12,
	        "employer": "5aa7f6fc696ead16a3deb1c8",


  • /api/employer/companies/my - returns all companies of logged user.
  • /api/employer/companies/:id - returns all companies of employer with given id

:id - id of employer to get companies from.

	        "_id": "5aa80434696ead16a3deb1cb",
	        "employer": "5aa7f6fc696ead16a3deb1c8",
	        "name": "firma1",
	        "NIP": "123",
	        "city": "dc",

Company routes

Auth header required in all routes

POST /api/company/create

  • String name
  • String NIP > UNIQUE - if duplicate returns message
  • String city

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/company/update/:id

  • :id - id of company to update
  • String name
  • String NIP
  • String city

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

DELETE /api/company/delete/:id

  • :id - id of company to delete
  • String NIP

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

GET /api/company/:id

  • :id - id of company to get.

          "_id": "5aa80434696ead16a3deb1cb",
          "employer": "5aa7f6fc696ead16a3deb1c8",
          "name": "firma1",
          "NIP": "123",
          "city": "dc",

Ask routes

Auth header required in all routes

GET /api/ask/all

Filter is implemented

  • Array[String]/String categories

  • Array[String]/String languages

  • Array[String]/String software

  • Array[String]/String specs

  • Array[String]/String certifications

  • Number pagesize - default 10

  • Number page - default 0

          "count": 1,
          "asks": [
      	    "bids": 1,
      	    "is_active": true,
      	    "is_complete": false,
      	    "creation_date": "3/15/2018, 21:35:59",
      	    "languages": [
      		    "name": "Spanish"
      	    "software": [
      		    "name": "Microsoft World"
      	    "specs": [
      		    "name": "C++"
      	    "certifications": [
      		    "name": "CISCO1"
      		    "name": "CISCO2"
      	    "categories": [
      		    "name": "Android developer"
      		    "name": "Front-end developer"
      	    "_id": "5aaadac043fb9a3e9c0aab0a",
      	    "title": "Ogloszenie 1",
      	    "description": "ogloszenie 1",
      	    "salary": 1500,
      	    "work_time": 12,
      	    "employer": {
      		"_id": "5aa7f6fc696ead16a3deb1c8",
      		"user_id": "5aa7f6e9696ead16a3deb1c6",

count is a maximum size of avaiable asks with given filter - not the count of returned items

GET /api/ask/:id

  • :id - id of ask to show

Example route /api/ask/5aaadac043fb9a3e9c0aab0a

    "ask": {
	"is_active": true,
	"is_complete": false,
	"create_date": "3/15/2018, 21:35:59",
	"languages": [
		"name": "Spanish"
	"software": [
		"name": "Eclipse"
	"specs": [
		"name": "Java"
	"certifications": [
		"name": "CISCO1"
	"categories": [
		"name": "Android developer"
	"_id": "5aaadac043fb9a3e9c0aab0a",
	"title": "Ogloszenie 1",
	"description": "Super ogloszenie nr 1",
	"salary": 123,
	"work_time": 12,
	"employer": {
	    "_id": "5aaada5c43fb9a3e9c0aab08",
	    "user_id": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06"
    "bids": [
	    "create_date": "3/16/2018, 18:53:46",
	    "is_accepted": false,
	    "_id": "5aac0bbdf96d920dba28946b",
	    "description": "no elo biore ta oferte",
	    "salary": 2115,
	    "employee": {
		"_id": "5aaad2761752053ae942d329",
		"user_id": "5aaad2641752053ae942d328"
	    "ask": "5aaadac043fb9a3e9c0aab0a",
	    "__v": 0

POST /api/ask/create

  • String title (required)
  • String description
  • Number salary
  • Number work_time
  • Array[String] categories
  • Array[String] languages
  • Array[String] software
  • Array[String] specs
  • Array[String] certifications

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/ask/update/:id

  • :id - id of ask to update
  • String title
  • String description
  • Number salary
  • Number work_time
  • Array[String] categories
  • Array[String] languages
  • Array[String] software
  • Array[String] specs
  • Array[String] certifications

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

DELETE /api/ask/delete/:id

  • :id - id of ask to remove

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

Bid routes

Auth header required in all routes

POST /api/bid/create/:id

  • :id - id of ask to bid to
  • String description
  • Number salary

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

POST /api/bid/accept/:id

  • :id - id of bid to accept

Returns success if all went fine or message if error interrupted the post - both types are JSON

Message routes

Auth header required in all routes

POST /api/message/send

  • String content - content of the message

  • String to - id of a user to send message to

          "success": "Message sent",
          "message": {
      	"content": "Nie wierze w to gowno zjebane ",
      	"send_date": "3/20/2018, 22:27:22",
      	"is_read": false,
      	"_id": "5ab17cba9b9c085b1b313a04",
      	"is_send": true

Returns message if error;

GET /api/messages/all

Returns all of logged user latest messages

  • pagesize - number of messages to get (get param) - default 10

  • page - number of page/offset (get param) - default 0

          "messages": [
      	    "_id": "5aaac7e584b8179c8a320ae7",
      	    "content": "friends?",
      	    "send_date": "3/18/2018, 15:05:39",
      	    "is_read": false,
      	    "is_send": true,
      	    "username": "emp",
      	    "first_name": "Niko",
      	    "last_name": "qwe"
      	    "_id": "5aaad2641752053ae942d328",
      	    "content": "I may be sick but i'm not",
      	    "send_date": "3/18/2018, 15:02:12",
      	    "is_read": false,
      	    "is_send": false,
      	    "username": "msz64",
      	    "first_name": "Mikolaj",
      	    "last_name": "Szczubial"
          "count": 4

_id is a id of a user with these message is with

count is a maximum size of avaiable asks with given filter - not the count of returned items

GET /api/message/with/:id

Resturns messages between logged user and given one. Newest ones are at the bottom.

  • :id - id of a user with whom logged user is corresponding (path param)

  • pagesize - number of messages to get (get param) - default 10

  • page - number of page/offset (get param) - default 0

          "with": {
      	"_id": "5aaada4043fb9a3e9c0aab06",
      	"username": "qwe",
      	"last_name": "Pracodawca",
      	"first_name": "Jakis "
          "messages": [
      	    "send_date": "3/20/2018, 19:19:29",
      	    "is_read": true,
      	    "_id": "5ab150b1d6f4bd53e781ee99",
      	    "content": "oh mate",
      	    "is_send": false
      	    "send_date": "3/20/2018, 19:19:32",
      	    "is_read": true,
      	    "_id": "5ab150b4d6f4bd53e781ee9a",
      	    "content": "am done",
      	    "is_send": false
      	    "send_date": "3/20/2018, 19:19:34",
      	    "is_read": false,
      	    "_id": "5ab150b6d6f4bd53e781ee9b",
      	    "content": "em",
      	    "is_send": true
      	    "send_date": "3/20/2018, 19:19:37",
      	    "is_read": false,
      	    "_id": "5ab150b9d6f4bd53e781ee9c",
      	    "content": "is anyone there?",
      	    "is_send": true
          "count": 4

count is a maximum size of avaiable asks with given filter - not the count of returned items is_send tells whether message was received or sent.


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