This repository has the code to make SR plots-tables and produce dataCards and shapeFile.
To compile:
make -f makeFiles/makeAnalisi
to run:
To set: year and flags regarding the decision about: which samples to run on, which txt use, which samples' folder, produce limits, produce plots.
unsigned year = 0; // 2016: 0; 2017: 1; 2018: 2;
// skipData, skipSignal, skipBackground, skipPlotting, skipLimits
all.analisi(basename.c_str(), false , false , false , false , false );
--> this is the "main" where all the other classes are called
Submit jobs:
source submit_re_weighting_condor/
it produces ~100 data/shape output files for each mass in /dataCards_shapeRoot. In /dataCards_shapeRoot:
mkdir mass
mkdir sr
mkdir disp
mv *_mass* mass/
mv *_disp* disp/
mv shape* sr
mv M* sr
They run over only signal samples so the obs/nonpromptDF/SF/Xgamma are ==0. They have to be merged --> with the complete output files. In HNL_Analysis:
and the output files are in merged_datacards_rootfiles_2016/
To make plots and tables, the input files should be in making_plots/martinaCards/:
cp -r merged_datacards_rootfiles_2016/* making_plots/martinaCards/.
To produce plots:
python martinaCards/M-1_V-0.022383_mu_muo_datacard martinaCards/M-2_V-0.00447214_mu_muo_datacard martinaCards/M-3_V-0.0022383_mu_muo_datacard martinaCards/M-3_V-0.0022383_mu_muo_datacard muon SR 1GeV 2GeV 3GeV 1_6=4 1_8=5 5_2=6 16
This corresponds to plotting 4 signal samples, muon/ele coupling, SR,M,D type of distribution, 1_6=4 coupling for legend --> 1.6 *10^-4.
To produce CR event counts:
mv src/ src/
mv src/ src/
and repeat the HNL_analysis procedure.