This is an classic demo for face recognition based on tensorflow & keras
Ubuntu 16.04
python 3.x
tensorflow(keras) 1.0.x
opencv(for pytoon) 3.x
USB camera
step 1 : open video camera to test whether the camera workd well ot not
python 0(linux environment)
step 2: detect the face region using opencv face dectector
#haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml or haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
#in real test, the former seems better
python 0
step 3: extract face from camera, establish the dataset
python 0 120(numbers for each person sampe) dataset/personA
step 4: load dataset and label them using python to do this automaticly
python dataset
step 5: train dataset with keras and generate the mode.h5 file
#evaluate the model
step 6: predit the face for real-time test
python 0
the neural network architecture as follows :
Based on many times for optimizing the hyper peremeter, finally the training accuracy approchs to 98.3% and the test accuracy is about 95.2%