The Giphy Core SDK is a wrapper around Giphy API.
Giphy is the best way to search, share, and discover GIFs on the Internet. Similar to the way other search engines work, the majority of our content comes from indexing based on the best and most popular GIFs and search terms across the web. We organize all those GIFs so you can find the good content easier and share it out through your social channels. We also feature some of our favorite GIF artists and work with brands to create and promote their original GIF content.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 0.9.3
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
gem install GiphyClient
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# load the gem
require 'GiphyClient'
api_instance =
api_key = "dc6zaTOxFJmzC" # String | Giphy API Key.
q = "cheeseburgers" # String | Search query term or prhase.
opts = {
limit: 25, # Integer | The maximum number of records to return.
offset: 0, # Integer | An optional results offset. Defaults to 0.
rating: "g", # String | Filters results by specified rating.
lang: "en", # String | Specify default country for regional content; use a 2-letter ISO 639-1 country code. See list of supported languages <a href = \"../language-support\">here</a>.
fmt: "json" # String | Used to indicate the expected response format. Default is Json.
#Search Endpoint
result = api_instance.gifs_search_get(api_key, q, opts)
p result
rescue GiphyClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DefaultApi->gifs_search_get: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_categories_category_get | GET /gifs/categories/{category} | Category Tags Endpoint. |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_categories_category_tag_get | GET /gifs/categories/{category}/{tag} | Tagged Gifs Endpoint. |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_categories_get | GET /gifs/categories | Categories Endpoint. |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_get | GET /gifs | Get GIFs by ID Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_gif_id_get | GET /gifs/{gif_id} | Get GIF by ID Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_random_get | GET /gifs/random | Random Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_search_get | GET /gifs/search | Search Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_translate_get | GET /gifs/translate | Translate Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | gifs_trending_get | GET /gifs/trending | Trending GIFs Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | stickers_random_get | GET /stickers/random | Random Sticker Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | stickers_search_get | GET /stickers/search | Sticker Search Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | stickers_translate_get | GET /stickers/translate | Sticker Translate Endpoint |
GiphyClient::DefaultApi | stickers_trending_get | GET /stickers/trending | Trending Stickers Endpoint |
- GiphyClient::BaseChannelModel
- GiphyClient::BaseChannelModelGifs
- GiphyClient::Breadcrumb
- GiphyClient::Category
- GiphyClient::ChannelWithChildrenModel
- GiphyClient::ChannelWithChildrenModelChildren
- GiphyClient::Gif
- GiphyClient::GifImages
- GiphyClient::GifImagesDownsized
- GiphyClient::GifImagesDownsizedLarge
- GiphyClient::GifImagesDownsizedMedium
- GiphyClient::GifImagesDownsizedSmall
- GiphyClient::GifImagesDownsizedStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedHeight
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedHeightDownsampled
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedHeightSmall
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedHeightSmallStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedHeightStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedWidth
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedWidthDownsampled
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedWidthSmall
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedWidthSmallStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesFixedWidthStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesLooping
- GiphyClient::GifImagesOriginal
- GiphyClient::GifImagesOriginalStill
- GiphyClient::GifImagesPreview
- GiphyClient::GifImagesPreviewGif
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse200
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse2001
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse2002
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse2003
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse2004
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse2005
- GiphyClient::InlineResponse400
- GiphyClient::LastChildModel
- GiphyClient::LastChildModelChildren
- GiphyClient::MetaContent
- GiphyClient::MetaObject
- GiphyClient::Pagination
- GiphyClient::RandomGif
- GiphyClient::ShallowTag
- GiphyClient::Tag
- GiphyClient::TrendingTag
- GiphyClient::User