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Python CLI for interacting with AWS services using Boto3

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  1. Prerequisite

    1. Python 3.x(Recommended 3.4 and above)
    2. PIP(PIP is a package manager for Python packages)

    Note: If you have Python version 3.4 or later, PIP is included by default.

  2. Installation

    1. Manual

      >py(or python) -m pip install boto3
      >py(or python) -m pip install menu

      Note: This AWS CLI tool used Menu package for creating the Menu for AWS operations.
      Please refer the below link for more details about Menu package .

    2. Using requirements.txt file

      1. Go to root dir AWS_Boto3

      2. Run requirements.txt file

          >py(or python) -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

    Note: py usually does not exist on Linux, unless you set an alias or symlink yourself. You can check with which python and which py to see what these commands actually are.



Below are the config parameter defined in

  1. AWS_REGION (default eu-west-1)
  2. WINDOWS_AMI_ID (default ami-035e11a5d21b976ed)
  3. LINUX_AMI_ID (default ami-0ce1e3f77cd41957e)
  4. WINDOWS_FREE_TIER_INSTANCE_TYPE (default t2.micro)
  5. LINUX_FREE_TIER_INSTANCE_TYPE (default t2.micro)
  7. AVAILABILITY_ZONE (default eu-west-1a)
  8. UPLOAD_DIR_FOR_S3 (default './s3_upload/')
  9. DOWNLOAD_DIR_FOR_S3 (default './s3_download/')
  10. CPU_ALARM_TOPIC_NAME (default cpu_alarm)

2. passwd.txt file

  • Valid usernames and passwords will to be stored in passwd.txt file.
  • Each line of which will contain a username+password pair, and their AWS access key id and secret access key, all separated by tabs.


  1. Go to root dir AWS_Boto3

  2. Run below command

      >`py(or python)`
  3. Input User Name and Password for Login

Menu Description

Main Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 for navigate to EC2 Menu.

Press-2 for navigate to EBS Menu.

Press-3 for navigate to S3 Menu.

Press-4 for navigate to Monitoring Menu.

Press-5 for navigate to Setting Menu.

Press-6 for Logout.

Press-7 for Exit.

1. EC2 Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 List all instances for the AWS account.

Press-2 Start a specific(stopped) instance.

Press-3 Stop a specific(running) instance.

Press-4 Create an AMI from an existing(running or stopped) instance.

Press-5 Launch a new Windows or Linux instance from an existing (free tier) AMI(AMI-ID is predefined in

Press-6 Go Back.

2. EBS Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 List all volumes.

Press-2 Attach an existing volume to an instance(running or stopped).

Press-3 Detach a existing volume from an instance(running or stopped).

Press-4 Take a snapshot of a specific volume.

Press-5 Create a volume from a snapshot.

Press-6 Go Back.

3. S3 Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 List all buckets.

Press-2 List all objects in a bucket.

Press-3 Upload an object in specific bucket.

Press-4 Download an object from a specific bucket.

Press-5 Delete an object from a specific bucket.

Press-6 Go Back.

4. Monitoring Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 Display CPUUtilization and MemoryUtilization metrics, averaged over the last 10 minutes for a specific instance.

Press-2 Set an Alarm for a specific instance if CPU utilization is less than equal to 28%.

Press-3 Boto3 examples of Relational DB Service.

Press-4 Go Back.

5. Setting Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 for disabling the color menu. (default enable)

Press-2 for enable color menu after disabling.

Press-3 for display "Attachment Data" of Volumes in EBS Menu.

Press-4for hiding "Attachment Data" of Volumes in EBS Menu (default hide)

Press-5 for setting local upload dir path for S3 .From this path files will be display for upload.

Press-6 for setting local download dir path for S3 .Files from S3 will be download in this dir.

Press-7 Go Back.


  1. Waiter is used in Start and Stop instance operation in EC2 Menu.
  2. Waiter is used in Attach and Detach Volume operation in EBS Menu.