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Installation on Docker Node

Note: All installation instructions are specific to [Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-01720b5f421cf0179 (64-bit x86) / ami-04c2a5c7e6c051fb2 (64-bit Arm)]

  1. Prerequisite

    1. Running EC2 instance [Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-01720b5f421cf0179 (64-bit x86) / ami-04c2a5c7e6c051fb2 (64-bit Arm)]
    2. Security groups having SSH permission
    3. Security groups having 5000 port open for docker-compose demo
  2. Install Docker

    >`sudo yum update -y`
    >`sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker`

Note: Please refer the below link for more details:

  1. Install Docker-Compose

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  2. Install python 3

     >`sudo yum install python3`

    Note: python3 is required to run the program.


  1. Change Permission of Docker-Compose:

       >`sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose`
  2. Configure Docker Service:

    1. Start the Docker service

       >`sudo service docker start`
    2. Add the ec2-user to the docker group so you can execute Docker commands without using sudo.

       >`sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user`
    3. Enable Docker Service

      >`sudo systemctl enable docker.service`


    1. Log out and log back in again to pick up the new docker group permissions. You can accomplish this by closing your current SSH terminal window and reconnecting to your instance in a new one. Your new SSH session will have the appropriate docker group permissions.
    1. Verify that the ec2-user can run Docker commands without sudo.

    docker info

  3. Class

    Below are the config parameter defined in class.

    2. DOCKERIZE_PY_APP_FILE (default''[3.8 version] )
    3. DOCKERIZE_PY2_APP_FILE (default ''[2.7 version])
    5. DOCKER_FILE_TEMPLATE (template for creating docker file)
  4. Copy DOCKER_CLI and run requirements.txt

    1. Copy the DOCKER_CLI from local to Docker node using winscp or any other tool.
    2. Go to root dir DOCKER_CLI
    3. Run below command > sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run Docker-CLI program

    Note: Do the SSH to Docker Node

    1. Go to root dir DOCKER_CLI

    2. Run below command


Menu Description

Main Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 for navigate to Docker Basic Operations Menu.

Press-2 for navigate to Containerize a Python Program Menu.

Press-3 for navigate to Docker Compose Demo Menu.

Press-4 for navigate to Setting Menu.

Press-5 for Exit.

1.Docker Basic Operations Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 List all containers.

Press-2 Run a container[detach Mode].

Press-3 Stop containers.

Press-4 Remove stopped/exited containers.

Press-5 Go Back.

2. Containerize a Python Program Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 Containerize and Run a Python Program.

Press-2 Run a Python Program.

Press-3 Go Back.

3. Docker Compose Demo Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 Run Docker Compose Demo.

Press-2 Go Back.

4. Setting Menu

enter image description here

Press-1 for disabling the color menu. (default enable)

Press-2 for enable color menu after disabling.

Press-3 for display "Docker Client Info" in Main Menu.(default display)

Press-4for hiding "Docker Client Info" in Main Menu.

Press-5 Go Back.


  1. For Docker Compose i have taken the reference from below link and modified(Added new containers) for demo.
  2. Docker-Compose APP Details:

enter image description here

  1. After Docker-Compose Demo run successfully.App can be open in browser using Docker AMI public IP http://Public_IP_of_Docker_Node:5000

enter image description here